So the craziest thing happened in my town this week I was at work, working the nigt shift which stars at 430 well around 730 I noticed in the parking lot of the burger king next to the Resturant there were six cops an ambulance fire truck, u name it it was there so we were all sitting around trying to figure out what happened when the cops can't in looking for survalence, now this raises many questions. The cop proceeds to tell is that a man mistress shot and killed her lover, she shot him ight in his truck six times right a burger king. Now what could they possibly been fighting about at burger king that made her want to kill him, I guess she didnt get it her way. Any who I live in a sleepy safe town were this shot doesn't happen so when it happens right next to my work its a litte freaky. So glad to have the people in my life that I do
Too close for comfort!