Getting of the nighttrain soon. Thank god. I'm so cold. My head is full of snot :-/ ..and I'm hungr Nov 7, 2014 8 Facebook Tweet Email catdad: Despite all that, you look great. :) Nov 8, 2014 1
Isiga gatan du finns inte mer, du har försvunnit för jag åker ner.... Leaving Umeå for this time. S Nov 7, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email
Sweetest Martin came home from work and wrapped lots of blankets around me. Meeee freeeezing today. Nov 3, 2014 6 Facebook Tweet Email
Time to sleep on the night train. Tiny, tiny beds. Hope to wake up all rested in Umeå tomorrow. Bu Nov 2, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email
On my way to Umeå. No more coffee. I'm bored. Spaming photos from last night ;-) #pinkfairy #dreads Nov 2, 2014 6 Facebook Tweet Email
A huge coffee was in need... ;-) Got a loong stop in Göteborg, before my nighttrain to Umeå comes. Nov 2, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email
There is no party without licking someones ear.... tonight @dementhia Get them clean... Crazy Harl Nov 1, 2014 6 Facebook Tweet Email
Dead girls have boobs too. I know, I felt it. #halloween #birthday #tokill4 #party Nov 1, 2014 7 Facebook Tweet Email