just saw the new transformers movie at the atlas park theater in maspeth,ny. it was fucking awesome. action packed from start to finish. tons of cliffhangers with lots of unexpected surprises. i really love the martial arts aspect that ends up being highlighted in the slow motion segments of the fight scenes like the upper cut, side kicks and soo much more. another thing i like is the tactical aspect of how the transformers and the militiary show in this movie. they will have a goal and use a team based/strategy approach to achieve what needs to be done. watching this movie really took me back to training in the academy of the fire dept of nyc to be appointed an emt. it had me feeling as if i wanted to jump in the action and go strategically pick up the wounded,treat and transport while avoiding death, which could be very much compared to working in brooklyn. i personally work in brooklyn and it deff takes some strategic thinking and planning in order to make it back to the truck and the hospital alive with the patient.