I hate no sleep, If I weighed less, do I think this would be easier to do, bruning less calories and all? Maybe them substances make me want to sleep more after they took their toll. At least I got half my photo assignment done. A tank of gas out, and a painting not started until 4am, due last week. Fuck it, the mid term isn't for 2 weeks, and even that isn't factored in. I won't do good work right now, but should I rush for a fucking grade, its art school. It may be art but its also school, he's pissed at me and i still respect him a lot. I'll manage.
I notice when I type things, the thoughts fully come out dyslexic and confused, but I know what I want to say. I'm devolving now, soon I'll be an ameiba.
I notice when I type things, the thoughts fully come out dyslexic and confused, but I know what I want to say. I'm devolving now, soon I'll be an ameiba.
thanks for the advice.
thanks a bunch. and to comment on your current post. its also art. and art should not be rushed. even for school. but then again it is school. so dyslexia aside. you can do it. . . .