Just gonna make some fresh coffee and skin up to get get me through the day. My bank balance is getting further and further in the red with no sign of a recovery!
Just re-read _Ararat_ by DM Thomas for the paper I'm writing on the fall of grand narratives. It's such a fucking wicked book. My copy is totally falling apart, so I looked...
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Just re-read _Ararat_ by DM Thomas for the paper I'm writing on the fall of grand narratives. It's such a fucking wicked book. My copy is totally falling apart, so I looked...
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Read this today and thought it would be great if the world took up the idea:
"The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have given us as much terror as we can take. We have paid a high enough price for the nostalgia of the whole and the one, for the reconciliation of the concept and the sensible, of the transparent and the communicable experience. Under the...
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"The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have given us as much terror as we can take. We have paid a high enough price for the nostalgia of the whole and the one, for the reconciliation of the concept and the sensible, of the transparent and the communicable experience. Under the...
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I've got a little one that shoots, well, marshmallows. and damn it, that's not enough.

I've got a little one that shoots, well, marshmallows. and damn it, that's not enough.
awww...poor you. i'd give anything to be there instead of here. i'd be exotic and i'd get to make out with a bunch of hot brittish boys. the accent makes me melt.
Why is it that lame Brit films by Mike Leigh and Danny Boyle get loads of attention, when a beautiful movie like 'Pure' by Gillies Mackinnon goes totally unnoticed!?!? That film deserves so many awards!
haven't seen it - but I love movie recommendations
happy new year to you too!

happy new year to you too!

that is so sweet. thanks.

"However eagerly you peer into the blue distance, you cannot see one speck or hear one sound - so people's faces and voices flash through our lives and are swallowed up by the past, leaving nothing but worthless scraps of memories."
started watching a harold pinter film called 'the accident' today, but it was a pile of shit. good news is that the dvd was a double bill and the other film on it - 'the family way' with hayley mills - was hilarious
the movie is cute, though kind of cheesy in that early animated way
I still like it, but I adore the book - Peter Beagle is one of my favorite authors. and chekhov - I approve 

photos that are from the party that happened the nite before the set.