ahh... a brit. and a writer no less. you sent me a comment on my last post, which, granted, was quite a while ago.
whatcha writin' about these days, eh? Keep ya head up on the writing scene- the first novels always suck terribly. but really, don't despair. just keep out of yer mind how goddamn impossible it is to get published (i have been, if you're wondering.). It simply takes naivete (well, that, and talent).
Anyhoo, was impressed that you spoke any russian at all, though you mixed up the verb in gender, number, and case. run something you've written by me sometime, if you're feeling ballsy (do brits say such things?)
whatcha writin' about these days, eh? Keep ya head up on the writing scene- the first novels always suck terribly. but really, don't despair. just keep out of yer mind how goddamn impossible it is to get published (i have been, if you're wondering.). It simply takes naivete (well, that, and talent).
Anyhoo, was impressed that you spoke any russian at all, though you mixed up the verb in gender, number, and case. run something you've written by me sometime, if you're feeling ballsy (do brits say such things?)