Leeds was good but wish we had made more of it! Was well hammered with a little help from my favourite wray and nephews overproof rum mmmmmmm, LIVER CIRRHOSIS is all I can think of now, with the exception of pancreatitis, you must try it. Tried a new drink called Mudshake well nice, think all you girlies will like it (bit like Baileys). I pulled this gay chap! not realizing until after when all my mates where laughing at me, was nice bloke tho.
I didn't notice on Sat night but on the Sunday as I was walking thorough leeds city cetre is how hot the girls are up there, told you I wish I made more of it!
Pepper said on Sep 15, 2003 12:44 AM
Have to agree with djscalliwag - Spiders is wicked!! Well it was he last time I went, haven't been in a year or two now though
I didn't notice on Sat night but on the Sunday as I was walking thorough leeds city cetre is how hot the girls are up there, told you I wish I made more of it!
Pepper said on Sep 15, 2003 12:44 AM
Have to agree with djscalliwag - Spiders is wicked!! Well it was he last time I went, haven't been in a year or two now though
*waves* How's you..???
*waves hello* glad to see your back again