The Sport Count: A real energy guy off the bench.

There are a lot of snake eggs in the backyard.
Done and done, sir.

P.S. I'm convinced Sam Cassell is the ugliest man on earth.
He didn't even look like a hobo. He looked like a serial killer with a leg wound.
You know we back, right? Clear the streets out.

Boom boom boom.

For all your music needs: Lily Allen's norks, Death Cab For Cutie stealing from Brian Wilson, John Mayer making me love him more.
yeah i'm stalking you...cause you may be the only one to appreciate my latest journal entry. smile
no! that sounds awesome. i wish they had done it in this game- and thrown in a few globetrotter moves along with.

kobe is an idiot. but he got his as he was still on the court during the last quarter of the game...losing against the celtics' c team.

yeah- you should come here and get adopted by alyk and mr alyk. (we'd adopt you but it would be like living with teenagers- not so stable).heehee.
Fuck me, finished work for the week and came home to a letterbox with these:

Commonwealth Mastercard: $25 (nice, taking things slow).
Virgin Mastercard: $75 (I can deal with that).
Energy Australia: $201 (take it easy, fuckers)
Water: $178 (hmmm).
Car Registration due: $250 (annoying).
Compulsory Third Party Insurance: $468 (christ).

So that's $1197 in one day. What're the odds?

Thanks for that, letterbox.

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I am mustering up a storm for Sunday eve karaoke shenanigans. Do we need to book?
Boo, your Duffy story was picked up by MTV's Buzzworthy blog. Holla!
1. The trip to Melbourne with Anni reminded me of all the good things in life. I usually remember most of them, but I really got a refresher course in how good it can get. Been a bit bummed to be back in Sydney, actually.

2. Nice that's it's getting colder. Get ready scarves and jackets, because I'm going to wear the shit out of...
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More details about the SGAU National hookup, can be found
here..... please read it!

I have climbed highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you
I have run
I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you

But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

That's about right.

yep. yep it is.
Good lord, if you're into The Band or bluegrass or even if you're not, have a listen to Levon Helm's new album. It's a goddamned scorcher. What a voice.

I'm looking forward to some incredible NBA play-offs, as well as a trip to Melbourne with the wonderful Anni.

Had an interview at work to move to the insurance assessment department. Don't think I'll get it....
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SGAU National hookup..... please read it!
Sad news:

Danny Federici, for 40 years the E Street Band's organist and keyboard player, died this afternoon, April 17, 2008 at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City after a three year battle with melanoma
Fuck. I just accidentally ate fish.

Absolutely! I'm a real 'George girl' although I have unfashionable Paul leanings. smile Every time I listen I have a new favourite, but the perfect fusion in the version of Get Back really blows my mind every time.
She quit a film job? I'm sort of lost for words.

Your point is you want to have a beer with moi & Tfok and you miss my sweet ass and want to catch up real soon.


SPOILERS! (Click to view)
PS - Why are you telling me this, Hannibal?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
PPS - Watched Hard Eight yet?

I've been:

1) Relating to Foreigner lyrics. You know which ones.
2) Gambling a fair bit. Won quite a bit initially but - and this may shock you - eventually I lost my amazing ability to predict NBA results.
3) Listening to a lot of new great music (hey, have I mentioned the Music Warship? I have? What?!).
4) In training for a Free...
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I should gamble. That might be fun.
This is a really good day to want to read about and hear some great music!!

Music Warship.

Thanks for the link - I am really enjoying that blog. Also I see that you are a Springsteen fan, as am I. Thanks for your contribution on my page (my current blog has opening verses, which I think is a better barometer of a song than just the opening line, and the first example I gave, obvious as it may be, was "Born To Run"). I've seen Bruce a whole lot of times, in small clubs and football stadiums, and I met him once, at which time he was kind enough to sign birthday cards for my kids! Needless to say, they are fans too. Glad to meet you and thanks again for introducing me to MusicWarship.
It's funny, when I met Bruce I started to say how much his music inspired me and I just stopped and said, "you must get so tired of people telling how fucking great you are all of the time." He just laughed. He was very nice - even though he was about to go on stage (holding that beat-up Stratocaster!) he signed the cards for my kids and we spoke for a little bit. I was told later the only reason he would have stopped to sign something just before going on was because it WAS for my kids. I'll attach the cards so you can see them. I have a signed Telecaster from him too, and a signed tour bag, that I won in a charity auction. I'll post them on my page at some point if you're interested.

(I picked out the cards, so don't blame Bruce)