Jesus christ, last night was silly. This morning I did that terrible thing where you wake up and you're really genuinely confused about how you got home, and what you did, and you have to check your outbox to make sure you didn't send messages you're fairly sure you did. I'm glad I've got responsible mates, because I could've started a water fight with King Neptune or kicked off a war with Germany or sky-dived with a lion attached to my back if given the chance.
I'm having my typical problems with university. It's truly time for a trip to the careers counsellor.
In bad news, my grandma has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She seems to be coping really well, as are all her kids (including my mum). Basically the attitude amongst us all seems to be that, hey, she's youngish (at 65), she's healthy, she's got a lot of love around her, and a job she enjoys (helping special needs kids at schools), so she's going to beat the goddamned shit out of cancer.
Had my first cigarette in two years last night. Yuck.
I'm having my typical problems with university. It's truly time for a trip to the careers counsellor.
In bad news, my grandma has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She seems to be coping really well, as are all her kids (including my mum). Basically the attitude amongst us all seems to be that, hey, she's youngish (at 65), she's healthy, she's got a lot of love around her, and a job she enjoys (helping special needs kids at schools), so she's going to beat the goddamned shit out of cancer.
Had my first cigarette in two years last night. Yuck.
when are you coming stateside?