An awful lot of rugby and dirty ashtrays and Arriba Importada, tried to get minor repairs done on the Saab after I ran over a gargoyle near Kiama, saw Pan's Labyrinth (seriously beautiful), saw Bobby (couldn't believe how bad it was), avoided university, made delicious meals (I've never been more into vegetables), relaxing drives, got pretty great half-rim Johnson glasses (my corneas are apparently more football than basketball), 'tards spilled beers, continued overly serious contemplation of future career, really fun family dinner at a Thai joint in the south for my cousin's 17th, tried Oreos for the first time (unsurprisingly tasty).
it seems they corrected the spelling, which makes me very happy. it was "dubl stuf" when i was growing up, now it's spelled "double stuff." way to go, nabisco!
anyway, you can make your own double stuff by taking one cookie off of 2 regular oreos and putting the 2 white parts together.
imagine the possibilities, though, when you do that with a double stuff.......
Come to iowa...get new ink here--and make me yummy meals. I will feed you Oreos.