I'm all hot and sunburnt. Not surprising, really. I forgot about the sun while watching the Tigers / Dragons match down at Oki stadium this arvo, and got lobsterised sitting on the hill. I was downing schooies during the match too, which always seems to make me burn quicker. (Is there a scientific reason for that? Do the dehydrating effects of alcohol lead to a more sensitive epidermis? Or is it just that you're more likely to sit in the sun for hours when you're drinking?).
It was a bit of a terrible match. The Dragons absolutely thrashed the Tigers, the eventual scoreline (46-16? 46-10? I can't remember) not quite reflecting the magnitude of the defeat. I was a bit bummed out by the loss because a Tigers win would've significantly upped the chances of the Panthers making it into the top eight, but the Dragons fans seemed even more downtrodden. Most of them - bar the screaming, drunken maniacs up on the hill who go buckwild whenever Mark Gasnier wipes his sweaty brow - seemed genuinely hurt and angry that the Dragons didn't score fifty tries, all the while frying onions for the free end-of-match sausage sizzle. I don't know what the problem with the Kogarah punters was... maybe the balmy afternoons and cool breezes from Botany Bay are getting them down.
Even though that match was a bit of a shocker, we're still thinking of going on a road trip up to Newcastle for the Panthers / Knights match. Johns is out for going bonkers, which is a bummer, but seeing the Panthers in form - I hope - up in Newie would definitely be worth the fuel money.
(Is there enough dodgy vernacular in this entry, or what?)
It was a bit of a terrible match. The Dragons absolutely thrashed the Tigers, the eventual scoreline (46-16? 46-10? I can't remember) not quite reflecting the magnitude of the defeat. I was a bit bummed out by the loss because a Tigers win would've significantly upped the chances of the Panthers making it into the top eight, but the Dragons fans seemed even more downtrodden. Most of them - bar the screaming, drunken maniacs up on the hill who go buckwild whenever Mark Gasnier wipes his sweaty brow - seemed genuinely hurt and angry that the Dragons didn't score fifty tries, all the while frying onions for the free end-of-match sausage sizzle. I don't know what the problem with the Kogarah punters was... maybe the balmy afternoons and cool breezes from Botany Bay are getting them down.
Even though that match was a bit of a shocker, we're still thinking of going on a road trip up to Newcastle for the Panthers / Knights match. Johns is out for going bonkers, which is a bummer, but seeing the Panthers in form - I hope - up in Newie would definitely be worth the fuel money.
(Is there enough dodgy vernacular in this entry, or what?)
SG Sydney has been quiet lately. We need to do karaoke, or the Cross, or something, sometime, I'm sure of it.