Say hello to my new friends, VeganVixen and slinkster. I am very picky about my friends on SG. You have to be articulate and down-to-Earth at the same time. Nothing ridiculously pretentious, angry, or wacky, thank you very much. These two people hae warranted many peeks at their journal, so they win. Hurray!
My performance art project sold out last night and kicked ass. Hopefully this trend will continue and I can buy my accounts here annually. Muhahahaha!
My performance art project sold out last night and kicked ass. Hopefully this trend will continue and I can buy my accounts here annually. Muhahahaha!
i haven't quit yet
i only have a month more there. mostly i am afraid my mother is about to be laid off in the first union -> wachovia dealy. not really a good time to quit. ugh. so frustrating.

you need to update so i can write you a witty remark