it's noon and i've already gotten up, eaten, cleaned up my bedroom and the laundry room, and done two loads of laundry.
one might ask, "why the sudden productivity and why so damn early?"
to those i say, it's simple. i stayed up all night friday because katie came over and wee watched bottle rocket then i gave her a massage then we wasted 2 hours just cuddling/talking. by 8am saturday we managed to fall asleep despite her incessant coughing, but were woken abruptly at 10am by a monster hack. i got up and ate a muffin, and after that there was no getting back to sleep. we just cuddled and kissed and messed around all day until about 5pm when she went home to shower and pass out. i wasn't dead yet, so i ate a pot pie and watched the terminator at jo'c's before coming back and passing out here at 9pm.
i slept for about 12 hours and rolled myself out of bed at 9am to eat/clean/do laundry.
i could do without all the weird scheduling and both of us being sick, but i love spending time just doing nothing with katie. just laying in bed and cracking each other up and giving myself blue balls is the best. i'm glad i found somebody new, now we can all be happy, if only she can move past her boyfriend in miami and realize that she doesn't need him and he's horrible to her.
off to watch terminator 2: judgement day (one of the greatest films ever made) and terminator 3: rise of the machines (not one of the greatest films ever made).
have a good'n erebody.
p.s. - question: does anybody on here use soulseek? also, what is your current most played album? thx. mine right now is probably either bayside - sirens and condolences or sonic youth - sonic nurse.
one might ask, "why the sudden productivity and why so damn early?"
to those i say, it's simple. i stayed up all night friday because katie came over and wee watched bottle rocket then i gave her a massage then we wasted 2 hours just cuddling/talking. by 8am saturday we managed to fall asleep despite her incessant coughing, but were woken abruptly at 10am by a monster hack. i got up and ate a muffin, and after that there was no getting back to sleep. we just cuddled and kissed and messed around all day until about 5pm when she went home to shower and pass out. i wasn't dead yet, so i ate a pot pie and watched the terminator at jo'c's before coming back and passing out here at 9pm.
i slept for about 12 hours and rolled myself out of bed at 9am to eat/clean/do laundry.
i could do without all the weird scheduling and both of us being sick, but i love spending time just doing nothing with katie. just laying in bed and cracking each other up and giving myself blue balls is the best. i'm glad i found somebody new, now we can all be happy, if only she can move past her boyfriend in miami and realize that she doesn't need him and he's horrible to her.
off to watch terminator 2: judgement day (one of the greatest films ever made) and terminator 3: rise of the machines (not one of the greatest films ever made).
have a good'n erebody.

p.s. - question: does anybody on here use soulseek? also, what is your current most played album? thx. mine right now is probably either bayside - sirens and condolences or sonic youth - sonic nurse.
And dude, yeah, she is 2 FIIINE!