Who wants friends, everyone wants friends, but sometimes your friends are dead.
So you make new friends and you eat the meals your fed, because sometimes your friends are dead.
And things continue on, as if it didn't matter, that this tragedy isn't stoping, anything.
Lets remember how far we've come while we've been alive.
We're not the first to know pain, we won't be the last to know, how much life can mean.
Lets think and contemplate what you will do.
Today how will things turn out...
I don't seem to care as long as I'm here.
Life is like a ball of clay shaped and turned, built in a way we'd like to see it.
We imagine what is beautiful and we imagine what is ugly, but its art and no one can judge it
We can only love it as it is
Who wants friends, everyone wants friends, but sometimes your friends are dead.
So you make new friends and you eat the meals your fed, because sometimes your friends are dead.
And things continue on, as if it didn't matter, that this tragedy isn't stoping, anything.
Lets remember how far we've come while we've been alive.
We're not the first to know pain, we won't be the last to know, how much life can mean.
Lets think and contemplate what you will do.
Today how will things turn out...
I don't seem to care as long as I'm here.
Life is like a ball of clay shaped and turned, built in a way we'd like to see it.
We imagine what is beautiful and we imagine what is ugly, but its art and no one can judge it
We can only love it as it is