I was driving home today, and "Wendy Clear" from Blink-182's Enema of the State album came on. This album is the soundtrack to a particular time in my life, and brought back sharp memories of the year I was 17. Pretty much my whole life up to that point was spent looking forward to that year, for some reason I was convinced 17 was the age to be. And it really was. I consider it my best year ever. So much was going on. I was forming my first significant relationship, I was a senior in high school for half of it, and all the accompanying fabulousness, I moved to San Francisco, on my own for the first time, started college, lost my virginity, and all sorts of great times. And pretty much since then I've been left with a sad nostalgia about that time, because I hadn't ever felt as happy as I did then.
When that song came on, I realized with a startling clarity that, for the first time I can remember, I don't long to be 17. I am that happy again (or happier). It was an incredible realization that damn near moved me to tears.
When that song came on, I realized with a startling clarity that, for the first time I can remember, I don't long to be 17. I am that happy again (or happier). It was an incredible realization that damn near moved me to tears.

A duck? Where? I LOVE DUCKS!