Okay everybody, prepare to be shocked and awed. Really, you're not going to believe this one...I had an awesome time with Tony last night. I know! I was shocked too! That only happens, like, well, when we're together.
His friend Chris came home from Iraq, where he's been stationed as a Marine for while, and I went with Tony and a bunch of his friends to meet him at the airport, and then we went back to Tony's place for a late night BBQ. It was awesome. I finally got to meet his other friend, Buc, who is also on leave from the Marines, and a bunch of other people, most of who's names I ACTUALLY REMEMBER.
Highlights from last night-watching Chris's mom and brother hug him when he walked through the gate, watching Chris's mom's reaction to his tattoo, fucking in Tony's truck in the parking lot of his complex because we just couldn't wait until we were inside, laying on the bathroom floor, becoming slightly less drunk and having a funny, half-shouted conversation with Tony who was playing WoW in the next room, and, of course, falling asleep in his arms as he said amazingly sweet things to me.
I've been loved before, certainly not in the same way, but I've been loved before. But never have I felt so appreciated as a whole person, as in all the crazy parts of me. Not by my mom, not by Peter, not by anyone. It's a wonderful feeling.

His friend Chris came home from Iraq, where he's been stationed as a Marine for while, and I went with Tony and a bunch of his friends to meet him at the airport, and then we went back to Tony's place for a late night BBQ. It was awesome. I finally got to meet his other friend, Buc, who is also on leave from the Marines, and a bunch of other people, most of who's names I ACTUALLY REMEMBER.

Highlights from last night-watching Chris's mom and brother hug him when he walked through the gate, watching Chris's mom's reaction to his tattoo, fucking in Tony's truck in the parking lot of his complex because we just couldn't wait until we were inside, laying on the bathroom floor, becoming slightly less drunk and having a funny, half-shouted conversation with Tony who was playing WoW in the next room, and, of course, falling asleep in his arms as he said amazingly sweet things to me.
I've been loved before, certainly not in the same way, but I've been loved before. But never have I felt so appreciated as a whole person, as in all the crazy parts of me. Not by my mom, not by Peter, not by anyone. It's a wonderful feeling.
The phrase in my journal entry is something I actually said during sex the other night, when he was asking me what it felt like... he then said it was a beautiful way of describing things. I dunno, we're really weird like that. I'm glad it's a shared sentiment, doll