Dude, I made friends in my classes. I just realized this. heh. There are people I sit next to regularly, and who smile and wave when they see me. One guy in particular, Jayson, who has all my classes with me. We're cool. We had the same color pink hair for awhile (now mine is purple and black and his is red and black). And amazingly enough to me, there's even a guy who's totally flirting with me. Like he walked me to my car the other day.
And it's kinda funny, because I totally thought I could be interested in him on the first day of class, before I met Tony. I mean, I still do find him interesting, on some levels, but I don't regret not having the opportunity to date him or whatever. Yesterday he said some things that totally could have come out of Peter's mouth, and I was like "Eek!" hehe. And the guy is, like, 37. I totally hang out with bunches of people that are older than me, to various degrees, and I love them dearly, but at this point in my life, I can't see myself in an intimate relationship with somebody from a different generation. Not to mention that I am *so* amazingly happy with Tony, and have no desire to change that.
Anyway, I digress. My point was that I have friends in my classes, which is kinda aberrant to me. I've always had a hard time making friends, due to my shyness, even in classes, where I would see the same people at least once a week, and we already had talking points. So I'm happy I have friends. I wonder if I've become less shy. I like to think so. That makes me happy, too.
Speaking of happy, I get to see Tony tomorrow. Yay! (Oh, come on, you knew it was going to get around to him eventually
Happy Tony thoughts on my mind today:
~When we were in Huntington Beach, at a restaurant, we got a booth, and instead of sitting across from me, he scooted in next to me. It's silly little things like that that make me happy.
~He drove like an hour last night to see me, even though he had already slept all day, and knew there were only a few hours before I had to go to sleep.
~Even though he wasn't feeling tired, he preferred to hold me as I fell asleep instead of going and playing video games or something. That was *awesome.* (He fell asleep anyway. hehe.)
~his eyes.
~his smile.
~his hair.
~I love the way he never stops touching me, even if it's just in a sweet, subtle way.
(Please don't ever stop touching me.

Anyway, I digress. My point was that I have friends in my classes, which is kinda aberrant to me. I've always had a hard time making friends, due to my shyness, even in classes, where I would see the same people at least once a week, and we already had talking points. So I'm happy I have friends. I wonder if I've become less shy. I like to think so. That makes me happy, too.
Speaking of happy, I get to see Tony tomorrow. Yay! (Oh, come on, you knew it was going to get around to him eventually

Happy Tony thoughts on my mind today:
~When we were in Huntington Beach, at a restaurant, we got a booth, and instead of sitting across from me, he scooted in next to me. It's silly little things like that that make me happy.

~He drove like an hour last night to see me, even though he had already slept all day, and knew there were only a few hours before I had to go to sleep.

~Even though he wasn't feeling tired, he preferred to hold me as I fell asleep instead of going and playing video games or something. That was *awesome.* (He fell asleep anyway. hehe.)

~his eyes.

~his smile.

~his hair.

~I love the way he never stops touching me, even if it's just in a sweet, subtle way.
