I feel I need a disclaimer here. I love getting comments, I really do. I appreciate them all. I'm just totally shitty about repsonding to them. I'll try to get better, I promise. 
The boy and I just got back from Jamaica, where we had an amazing time, despite me having an unhappy tummy for most of the week with no apparent reason (although it's been acknowledged all around there's a slight possibility I'm pregnant). I did my very best to tough it out, but it did definitely mean there were a few things I would have liked to do that we didn't get a chance to.
Anyway, we stayed at a resort called Hedonism III, which was pretty cool. It's an all-inclusive resort with 3 sections, nude, prude, and clothing-optional. Tony and I stayed mostly on the nude side, and I miss it. The resort put on little audience participation entertainment thingies everyday, like a game called "Find Your Mate" where they blind-folded the guys and they had to guess which girl was theirs by grabbing asses, and Body Shots, where they had you sit up on the bar and literally poured booze down the front of you for your honey to lick off. Good times.
Tony and I were defintely in the minority, age-wise, but that didn't really detract from the experience.
We got to do a lot of fun, new activities, like go scuba-diving, which was just amazing. The water was warm, and we got to explore the Reef, and the fish are just everywhere, and they are just the most brilliant colors. We also went kayaking, and learned that neither of us are currently any good at water-skiing. I got to go on the trapeze, which was an awesome experience. Way less scary than I thought it was going to be. It's definitely something I'd like to do again.
I also saw some exciting sights. For example, my very first night there I saw a scorpian, right by the bar, less than a foot from me. A little one, like 2 inches long, but a scorpian all the same. And yes, my fear of spiders extends to all arachnids. I was more than a little freaked out, and worried that they were commonplace around there, but, fortunately, that was the first and last one I saw. There were also lightening storms across the ocean at night, which were gorgeous.
And the sex, oh, the sex.

The boy and I just got back from Jamaica, where we had an amazing time, despite me having an unhappy tummy for most of the week with no apparent reason (although it's been acknowledged all around there's a slight possibility I'm pregnant). I did my very best to tough it out, but it did definitely mean there were a few things I would have liked to do that we didn't get a chance to.
Anyway, we stayed at a resort called Hedonism III, which was pretty cool. It's an all-inclusive resort with 3 sections, nude, prude, and clothing-optional. Tony and I stayed mostly on the nude side, and I miss it. The resort put on little audience participation entertainment thingies everyday, like a game called "Find Your Mate" where they blind-folded the guys and they had to guess which girl was theirs by grabbing asses, and Body Shots, where they had you sit up on the bar and literally poured booze down the front of you for your honey to lick off. Good times.

We got to do a lot of fun, new activities, like go scuba-diving, which was just amazing. The water was warm, and we got to explore the Reef, and the fish are just everywhere, and they are just the most brilliant colors. We also went kayaking, and learned that neither of us are currently any good at water-skiing. I got to go on the trapeze, which was an awesome experience. Way less scary than I thought it was going to be. It's definitely something I'd like to do again.
I also saw some exciting sights. For example, my very first night there I saw a scorpian, right by the bar, less than a foot from me. A little one, like 2 inches long, but a scorpian all the same. And yes, my fear of spiders extends to all arachnids. I was more than a little freaked out, and worried that they were commonplace around there, but, fortunately, that was the first and last one I saw. There were also lightening storms across the ocean at night, which were gorgeous.
And the sex, oh, the sex.

It was a fabulous time all around. Nothing makes me happier than being with this boy, regardless of what we're doing. He just brings me such unrivaled, unconditional joy.
Oh, and in other happy news, I sent in an SG app last night, and was met with this response this morning- "You look perfect for our site, and you've now passed the first stage of the application process." So that's cool.
Glad you're not pregnant just yet.
Good luck on getting to be an SG!