I've never really been one for New Year's Resolutions or year-end reflection or whatever, but I feel moved to do so this year.
As for Resolutions, I am strictly making plans I can keep this year. For example, within a year, I plan on reaching my goal weight, which means about another 20 pounds to go. Within a year, achievable. And I've decided I'm okay with it taking a year. It's longer than I would like, but I've come a long way since starting my weight loss journey, and the last so many pounds are always the hardest, and if I can maintain any sort of weight loss for another year, I know I can make it work for life.
I also resolve to be less passive-aggressive, something I've been working on for a while now. If I have a problem, if there's something wrong, I need to say something, I need to bring it up in a constructive way, instead of pouting, expecting others to read my mind. If I don't say something, nothing will ever get done, and if I don't make a point of it, I certainly can't get mad if it happens again.
As for this year in review, this was easily the most consistently happy year of my entire life, thanks almost entirely to the sexiest boy I've ever known. Thanks to him, there's been love, stability, Vegas, friends, video games, a marathon, kitties, cooking, confidence, Hawaii, lots of sex, happiness beyond measure.
I've got a mostly easy job where I often get to do shit like this (by which I mean waste time online), where I feel needed and appreciated. Is it my dream job? Not really, but I couldn't tell you what that job would be, except that it would match my boy's schedule.
I've made more new friends this year than I've made since starting college, probably. Thanks to the boy, of course. For the most part, I love his friends, and consider many of those I've met my close friends now. I feel like I fit well, and we have bunches in common (video games, books, Tony). It's all made me remember just how much I enjoyed being "one of the boys." I've also had the chance to catch up with some old friends.
I've also been thinking quite a bit about the future recently. It's nice to have a good idea of where the things are heading sometime in the future. Tony and I talk about the future a lot, like how in a few years, when we have kids, we'll make everyone come to our house for Christmas. I've never felt so sure about the future before. I know we're going to get married (I am doing my very bestest to be patient
), I know we're gonna get a nice big house, I know we're gonna have kids and a dog and all that suburban bullshit, and I'm thrilled to death.
(Just about time to get off work, maybe I'll finish this later.)
As for Resolutions, I am strictly making plans I can keep this year. For example, within a year, I plan on reaching my goal weight, which means about another 20 pounds to go. Within a year, achievable. And I've decided I'm okay with it taking a year. It's longer than I would like, but I've come a long way since starting my weight loss journey, and the last so many pounds are always the hardest, and if I can maintain any sort of weight loss for another year, I know I can make it work for life.
I also resolve to be less passive-aggressive, something I've been working on for a while now. If I have a problem, if there's something wrong, I need to say something, I need to bring it up in a constructive way, instead of pouting, expecting others to read my mind. If I don't say something, nothing will ever get done, and if I don't make a point of it, I certainly can't get mad if it happens again.
As for this year in review, this was easily the most consistently happy year of my entire life, thanks almost entirely to the sexiest boy I've ever known. Thanks to him, there's been love, stability, Vegas, friends, video games, a marathon, kitties, cooking, confidence, Hawaii, lots of sex, happiness beyond measure.
I've got a mostly easy job where I often get to do shit like this (by which I mean waste time online), where I feel needed and appreciated. Is it my dream job? Not really, but I couldn't tell you what that job would be, except that it would match my boy's schedule.
I've made more new friends this year than I've made since starting college, probably. Thanks to the boy, of course. For the most part, I love his friends, and consider many of those I've met my close friends now. I feel like I fit well, and we have bunches in common (video games, books, Tony). It's all made me remember just how much I enjoyed being "one of the boys." I've also had the chance to catch up with some old friends.
I've also been thinking quite a bit about the future recently. It's nice to have a good idea of where the things are heading sometime in the future. Tony and I talk about the future a lot, like how in a few years, when we have kids, we'll make everyone come to our house for Christmas. I've never felt so sure about the future before. I know we're going to get married (I am doing my very bestest to be patient
(Just about time to get off work, maybe I'll finish this later.)
Also, I'd like to thank you for being one of my heroes.