I had a fan-fucking-tastic Halloween last night, pictures from which I hope to decorate this entry with as soon as I get home.
Tony's friend Lance apparently has a traditional Halloween party, which we attended. Being as it was a Monday, I didn't expect it to be a huge party. Boy was I wrong. I went as a World of Warcraft version succubus, but kind of a half-assed, I'm-not-spending-very-much-money and have-very-few-sewing-skills version of my own, so I was very impressed at how many people knew what I was. I mean, granted, not everyone, but even if my costume had been a mirror image, it's still a geek thing.
Anyways, I was looking pretty sexy last night. And having recently lost 82 pounds and counting, being confident that I'm looking good is a pretty new experience to me. Tony kept telling me "I've never been with the hottest girl at the party before. This is awesome!" And, for a while, I actually agreed with him (and I mean that in the most modest way possible
). And he wasn't the only one paying attention to me. Guys were hitting on me left and right, and both guys and girls were saying all sorts of nice things about me and my costume. More than one person told me I looked beautiful. And I'm not sure you will all understand, but this is not really a bragging post (well, maybe a little); mostly I'm just in awe. I'm not at all used to getting this kind of attention. I'm always the friend of the hot girl at the party. People wanted to take pictures of me. Girls asked to touch my boobies (the boys, once I realized I had a boyfriend, were, for the most part, too smart to ask), and let me touch their's.
I probably got the most boob action all night. One guy, who was obviously not a World of Warcraft fan, decided my costume was Lust, and continued to call me that for rest of the night. I was quickly able to glance through some of the pics Tony took before coming to work today, and I actually liked the way I looked in half or more of them. In times previous, I was lucky to have, like, one picture I liked. This whole liking the way I look thing is so foreign to me, and I'm so excited about it. It's a weirdly emotional thing for me. A nice thought that occured to me near the close of the night was that regardless of the fact that I was being hit on more than I ever have been in my life, not once did I think "I wish I was single."
I was also very excited last night by the fact that my shyness is, in fact, rapidly decreasing. I talked and introduced myself to strangers, I remembered names, and I didn't feel the need to consistently follow Tony around like a lost puppy, even though I initially knew very few people at the party. And when I had something to say that was relevant to the conversation, I actually opened up my mouth and said it! What a fucking concept. But, in all honesty, I'm sure the alcohol aided in that aspect quite a bit.
Ah, the little things when you're drunk. About two in the morning, I'm toasted and tired and hungry. All that's left on the table is lemon meriangue pie, which I normally love, and salsa. But having been drinking sweet drinks all night the idea of the pie made me sick. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see an open bag of chips. Hooray! I couldn't have been more thrilled.
And let me tell you, the drunken sex after the party was so fucking hot.

Tony's friend Lance apparently has a traditional Halloween party, which we attended. Being as it was a Monday, I didn't expect it to be a huge party. Boy was I wrong. I went as a World of Warcraft version succubus, but kind of a half-assed, I'm-not-spending-very-much-money and have-very-few-sewing-skills version of my own, so I was very impressed at how many people knew what I was. I mean, granted, not everyone, but even if my costume had been a mirror image, it's still a geek thing.

Anyways, I was looking pretty sexy last night. And having recently lost 82 pounds and counting, being confident that I'm looking good is a pretty new experience to me. Tony kept telling me "I've never been with the hottest girl at the party before. This is awesome!" And, for a while, I actually agreed with him (and I mean that in the most modest way possible

I probably got the most boob action all night. One guy, who was obviously not a World of Warcraft fan, decided my costume was Lust, and continued to call me that for rest of the night. I was quickly able to glance through some of the pics Tony took before coming to work today, and I actually liked the way I looked in half or more of them. In times previous, I was lucky to have, like, one picture I liked. This whole liking the way I look thing is so foreign to me, and I'm so excited about it. It's a weirdly emotional thing for me. A nice thought that occured to me near the close of the night was that regardless of the fact that I was being hit on more than I ever have been in my life, not once did I think "I wish I was single."

I was also very excited last night by the fact that my shyness is, in fact, rapidly decreasing. I talked and introduced myself to strangers, I remembered names, and I didn't feel the need to consistently follow Tony around like a lost puppy, even though I initially knew very few people at the party. And when I had something to say that was relevant to the conversation, I actually opened up my mouth and said it! What a fucking concept. But, in all honesty, I'm sure the alcohol aided in that aspect quite a bit.
Ah, the little things when you're drunk. About two in the morning, I'm toasted and tired and hungry. All that's left on the table is lemon meriangue pie, which I normally love, and salsa. But having been drinking sweet drinks all night the idea of the pie made me sick. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see an open bag of chips. Hooray! I couldn't have been more thrilled.
And let me tell you, the drunken sex after the party was so fucking hot.

I'm so proud of you! You're my hero. I mean it!