I was pretending to be perplexed more than I actually was... not that I'm a genius, but yeah... I like the ATHF, and those other shows. I am also just learning that it seems to be on at midnight every night, at least this week, so I guess I'd better set a tape cuz I have been tired as shit this week staying up to watch it.
Have you caught Wonder Showzen yet? Christ, I need to find a fellow fan of it, so I can just shout catch-phrases at them ("sevenandaswitchblade," "Pills! Pills!! Pills! Pills! Pills!" "Beat kids! BEAT KIDS!"), so far nobody I know (or even online strangers) have given it props yet.
Have you caught Wonder Showzen yet? Christ, I need to find a fellow fan of it, so I can just shout catch-phrases at them ("sevenandaswitchblade," "Pills! Pills!! Pills! Pills! Pills!" "Beat kids! BEAT KIDS!"), so far nobody I know (or even online strangers) have given it props yet.