we had our anniversary a few days ago, yay three years. i got isadora this:
it is sushi, yum yum yum.
christmas is kicking my ass but we pretty much got all the presents covered, even for mother and father "isadora's last name", who are hard as hell to buy for. unfortunately i crapped out on isadora's gifts because i suck as a girlfriend (aka she is hard to buy for). this is gonna be a fun game called "i saved the reciepts and everything is gonna go back to the store, because i suck, yay."
dear isa:
start liking stuff i can buy for you.
this is my gift buying schedule for her:
dec 12 classes over, graduation -done!
dec 14 anniversary -done!
dec 25 xmas -done shittily!
jan 21 birthday
feb 14 valentine's day
feb 15 kill myself because i suck day
then i get to breathe a sigh of relief for 10 months.
mother and father "isadora's last name" are going to come down for christmas day so i can cook and stress out about not calling her sweetie and honey. i'm just going to end up calling her lumpy by accident. FUCK. then we will go to hawaii for a week and play in the ~*~OCEANZ~*~ OMG and mother "my last name" will wear a bathing suit and we will all projectile vomit, but it's okay because the fish poop in there anyway.
i wanted to buy xmas cards today to send out extremely belatedly, but they were out because it's 6 days until the day. who the hell buys shoes for xmas presents anyway?

it is sushi, yum yum yum.
christmas is kicking my ass but we pretty much got all the presents covered, even for mother and father "isadora's last name", who are hard as hell to buy for. unfortunately i crapped out on isadora's gifts because i suck as a girlfriend (aka she is hard to buy for). this is gonna be a fun game called "i saved the reciepts and everything is gonna go back to the store, because i suck, yay."
dear isa:
start liking stuff i can buy for you.
this is my gift buying schedule for her:
dec 12 classes over, graduation -done!
dec 14 anniversary -done!
dec 25 xmas -done shittily!
jan 21 birthday
feb 14 valentine's day
feb 15 kill myself because i suck day
then i get to breathe a sigh of relief for 10 months.
mother and father "isadora's last name" are going to come down for christmas day so i can cook and stress out about not calling her sweetie and honey. i'm just going to end up calling her lumpy by accident. FUCK. then we will go to hawaii for a week and play in the ~*~OCEANZ~*~ OMG and mother "my last name" will wear a bathing suit and we will all projectile vomit, but it's okay because the fish poop in there anyway.
i wanted to buy xmas cards today to send out extremely belatedly, but they were out because it's 6 days until the day. who the hell buys shoes for xmas presents anyway?
We should make a plan.
3 years!? Thats so amazing!