self destruction
designed for doom
gleaming white
razor sharp bones
shatter gracefully
skin splits
shards clutched tightly
ripping you apart
hands shaking
ragged chaos erupts
retching blood
lick my lips
close your eyes
slit my wrists
with the roses
from your grave
formed of my flesh
shredded noise
screaming in the dark
residual thoughts
of what we were
mY FauLT
sOmEtImEs i aM eMPTy InsIdE
WiTHouT hOpE Or DeNiaL
SoMeTiMeS I mOUrn eVeRyTHiNG
you CouLD hAvE BeeN
wIthOUt Me thErE
To fUck iT Up
cOUlD hAppInEss HaVe cOmE
SooNeR fOr YOU (
WiTHouT mE aRouND
hOldIng you bAck
oR jUst WaiTiNG
tO FuCK It uP
iS It eVeN fAIr
To jUdgE Me UpOn
THe IgnOrAncE oF mY
oN thE CHaNCe It TooK twO
To fUck iT Up
CHoiCeS hAd To bE MaDe
dEcIsIOns BaSeD UpOn
aN ElAbOrAtE Lie
SoMeoNe'S grAnd DeSiGN
wAs GoD jUst WaiTiNG
tO FuCK It uP
An anti-hero in today's books and films will perform acts generally deemed "heroic," but will do so with methods, manners, or intentions that may not be heroic.
. . . anti-heroes can be awkward, antisocial, alienated, cruel, obnoxious, passive, pitiful, obtuse, or just ordinary.
In other words, an anti-hero is a protagonist that lives by the guidance of their own moral compass, striving to define and construe their own values as opposed to those recognized by the society in which they live.
The perfect girlfriend should:
Smell pleasant.
Know how to roll a blunt.
Check pockets before sitting on the lap to ensure no cigarette crushing ensues.
Default to naked.
Know how to cook at least one meal.
Not question things that don't matter.
Be able to keep up with the flow.
Have small candies readily available.
Be able to drive well.
Recreationally enjoy mind altering substances. [or at least enjoy babysitting]
Sing like she means it.
Be enthusiastic about things SHE wants to do.
Pretend to be enthusiastic about things HE wants to do.
Be warm and welcome after a long day.
Be ready to nap or be awake at a moments notice.
Have at least one video game addiction.
Know how to use a computer.
Understand that boys need time to be boys sometimes.
Go from sleeping to "ready to rock" in 30 minutes or less.
Have at least one oral piercing [for they are fun to play with..]
Ask "how" you've been, not "where" you've been.
This is just a preliminary list that I've begun to compile...
Feel free to add any ideas of your own.
self destruction
designed for doom
gleaming white
razor sharp bones
shatter gracefully
skin splits
shards clutched tightly
ripping you apart
hands shaking
ragged chaos erupts
retching blood
lick my lips
close your eyes
slit my wrists
with the roses
from your grave
formed of my flesh
shredded noise
screaming in the dark
residual thoughts
of what we were
mY FauLT
sOmEtImEs i aM eMPTy InsIdE
WiTHouT hOpE Or DeNiaL
SoMeTiMeS I mOUrn eVeRyTHiNG
you CouLD hAvE BeeN
wIthOUt Me thErE
To fUck iT Up
cOUlD hAppInEss HaVe cOmE
SooNeR fOr YOU (
WiTHouT mE aRouND
hOldIng you bAck
oR jUst WaiTiNG
tO FuCK It uP
iS It eVeN fAIr
To jUdgE Me UpOn
THe IgnOrAncE oF mY
oN thE CHaNCe It TooK twO
To fUck iT Up
CHoiCeS hAd To bE MaDe
dEcIsIOns BaSeD UpOn
aN ElAbOrAtE Lie
SoMeoNe'S grAnd DeSiGN
wAs GoD jUst WaiTiNG
tO FuCK It uP
An anti-hero in today's books and films will perform acts generally deemed "heroic," but will do so with methods, manners, or intentions that may not be heroic.
. . . anti-heroes can be awkward, antisocial, alienated, cruel, obnoxious, passive, pitiful, obtuse, or just ordinary.
In other words, an anti-hero is a protagonist that lives by the guidance of their own moral compass, striving to define and construe their own values as opposed to those recognized by the society in which they live.
The perfect girlfriend should:
Smell pleasant.
Know how to roll a blunt.
Check pockets before sitting on the lap to ensure no cigarette crushing ensues.
Default to naked.
Know how to cook at least one meal.
Not question things that don't matter.
Be able to keep up with the flow.
Have small candies readily available.
Be able to drive well.
Recreationally enjoy mind altering substances. [or at least enjoy babysitting]
Sing like she means it.
Be enthusiastic about things SHE wants to do.
Pretend to be enthusiastic about things HE wants to do.
Be warm and welcome after a long day.
Be ready to nap or be awake at a moments notice.
Have at least one video game addiction.
Know how to use a computer.
Understand that boys need time to be boys sometimes.
Go from sleeping to "ready to rock" in 30 minutes or less.
Have at least one oral piercing [for they are fun to play with..]
Ask "how" you've been, not "where" you've been.
This is just a preliminary list that I've begun to compile...
Feel free to add any ideas of your own.
hey did you have fun last night? oh i need to send you that cd right? lemmee see... hmmm merry fuckin xmas vol. 3 HORRRRRorAYYYYY