Begin Transmission
Disaster looms just out of sight around every corner.
How can you escape the inevitability of fate?
6 6 6
Once in a lifetime.
Beyond compare the stars shine brighter than ever.
Darkness spills from brilliant eyes, pooling shadows deeper
Find the center of the self and stab him in the face.
Take the crown, hold the knife and kill for his place.
Fighting isn't fighting if you've both agreed on the outcome, it's more a play of circumstance building to nothing.
I can't shake the feeling that something is missing.
Oh yeah...
I remember.
How long will it be? Who's coming H2ing this weekend? I found one for rent not far from Sid... it's burghandy [sp?], which is tons better than the BRIGHT ASS YELLOW one that she would've settled for.
I'm taking a long lunch today to see the Omen.
Pressure Point class this Sunday.
Find me or Spectre to sign up.
PLEASE NOTE: This is one of the pre-requisite classes needed to join "The Halloween Ninja Mission"
For anyone else who is interested and is paying attention, required classes will include:
Shadow Walking 101
Pressure Points 101-102
Silent Movement 101-105
Non-verbal Communication 101
Advanced Squad Manuevers 101
Basic Weapons Training [variety of skill levels/weapon preferences available] 101
Unarmed Combat 101
These are all basic classes unless otherwise mentioned.
*If you have already completed any of these courses and can show certification, please do*
On another note: I'm of the mind that Temper will be designing and creating the new gen of Antihero Uniforms. This is not to say that you must go through her to get your gear, it's just that she's willing to do custom orders and personalization that most places will tell you to "fuck off" over.... SO umm... Thanks Temper...
One more thing:
For those who keep hearing all this BS about Antihero this... AHE that... AHA this.... Ninja that.... and are curious as to WTF it is/means.... ask.
Wraith out.
End Transmission
Disaster looms just out of sight around every corner.
How can you escape the inevitability of fate?
6 6 6
Once in a lifetime.
Beyond compare the stars shine brighter than ever.
Darkness spills from brilliant eyes, pooling shadows deeper
Find the center of the self and stab him in the face.
Take the crown, hold the knife and kill for his place.
Fighting isn't fighting if you've both agreed on the outcome, it's more a play of circumstance building to nothing.
I can't shake the feeling that something is missing.
Oh yeah...
I remember.
How long will it be? Who's coming H2ing this weekend? I found one for rent not far from Sid... it's burghandy [sp?], which is tons better than the BRIGHT ASS YELLOW one that she would've settled for.
I'm taking a long lunch today to see the Omen.
Pressure Point class this Sunday.
Find me or Spectre to sign up.
PLEASE NOTE: This is one of the pre-requisite classes needed to join "The Halloween Ninja Mission"
For anyone else who is interested and is paying attention, required classes will include:
Shadow Walking 101
Pressure Points 101-102
Silent Movement 101-105
Non-verbal Communication 101
Advanced Squad Manuevers 101
Basic Weapons Training [variety of skill levels/weapon preferences available] 101
Unarmed Combat 101
These are all basic classes unless otherwise mentioned.
*If you have already completed any of these courses and can show certification, please do*
On another note: I'm of the mind that Temper will be designing and creating the new gen of Antihero Uniforms. This is not to say that you must go through her to get your gear, it's just that she's willing to do custom orders and personalization that most places will tell you to "fuck off" over.... SO umm... Thanks Temper...
One more thing:
For those who keep hearing all this BS about Antihero this... AHE that... AHA this.... Ninja that.... and are curious as to WTF it is/means.... ask.
Wraith out.
End Transmission