Well today was a decent day off of work. It was nice since i did a lot of running with my fellow Navy recruits. Well they thought it was a lot of running, im kinda of ashamed to say that i am in the best shape out of all 15 of us currently waiting to ship out. I mean honestly, who cant jog half a mile? As an extra motivator for the slow kids, they made us quick ones stop and do push ups on the cold cement while we waited for the slow ones to catch up. I honestly dont see how some of these recruits feel good about going to recruit training knowing they will be yelled at and made to work harder because they didnt work hard enough on there own time. The current wait for most male recruits right now is atleast 5 months. That is a lifetime if your truly driven to making yourself a healthier person. Anyways enough of that little rant. Im off to watch the Blazers hopefully beat the Lakers for 9 straight at home wins!!! Fingers crossed!
Thank you for your love, my dear......=)
heres to hopin things get crazy better