So.. I'm bored at work. I'm working my first night at my second job. I'm armed overnight security for a smaller business park property. My boss hearing my pleas for more shifts at the bar hired me for this position at his other company. Have to say so far one hour into the shift, I want a tweaker yo come by so I have someone...
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Just be you. Be supportive, but not smothering. Introverts need their space... Didn't mean they don't like you though! Personal experience has taught me that people who are starving for attention aren't healthy to date - but introverts can be an adjustment if that's where you're coming from. If you're every unsure of what she wants - in terms of space or attention, just ask :) hope things continue to go well!
Thank you.
Well its been a few years, why not. In the past two years my life has flipped around. My fiance left me in April 2014. I'm happy she realized she wasn't in love before all the legal side was finalized but it blindsided me. I was crushed. The next year and a half I spent most of my free time getting drunk and stoned.
I am quite high right now. AHHHH it feels soo goood. I can smell fresh cut grass, smells like baseball and spring. My two crazy cats are acting all, well, crazy. One of them is using me as a salt lick. I worked in the cafe today, so im sure I taste like coffee and steamed milk and eggplant parm.
My nieces birthday is Saturday,...
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My nieces birthday is Saturday,...
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So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!

This sounds like a fantastic day😊
Long time no update.
So still living in Vancouver Wa. and loving it. Im loving my job as a barback, but sadly only working it 2 nights a week. Im learning soo much about being a bartender and just bar service in general, I cant wait to branch out and try to work as a bartender when I feel my skills are high enough. I...
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So still living in Vancouver Wa. and loving it. Im loving my job as a barback, but sadly only working it 2 nights a week. Im learning soo much about being a bartender and just bar service in general, I cant wait to branch out and try to work as a bartender when I feel my skills are high enough. I...
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thx for add me !! kisse for you !!
aww thank u so much im glad u like my set
nice bike 

I NEED XBOX KINECT!!!! Played for the first time at a friends birthday party and im hooked! Now i just need my boss to give me more shifts like he said i was going to get and maybe i can afford it.
So new stuff with me is, i have a lady friend, which makes me super warm and fuzzy and happy, but is making...
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So new stuff with me is, i have a lady friend, which makes me super warm and fuzzy and happy, but is making...
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hope all is well xoxo
I have missed you my friend! How the fuck are you Eric?! Good I hope!!!! And thanks for the set love!
So i woke up this morning with my account overdrafted
It was caused by this wonderful site. But today was payday, so it was really no hard no foul.
I gotta say, i love being a webcam worker!!! Nothing comes close as a confidence booster than having people pay you compliments, while actually paying you at the same time! I also must say i am...
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I gotta say, i love being a webcam worker!!! Nothing comes close as a confidence booster than having people pay you compliments, while actually paying you at the same time! I also must say i am...
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Dude we need to chill sometime soon! It's been too long!
Eric! Dude lets hang asap!
mY heart is pounding out of my chest! I feel like im on coke without being on it! I dont know where this energy came from but i know i need to be in bed soon but i just cant make it there. Im doing a tune up on my bike tomorrow. Im going to ride it 15 miles. First bike ride in over a...
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oh wow be careful!
Well its time to get back to the real world. Sadly for me that means i have to cut off my mohawk. I grew it for a new years party and you know i forgot how much i love having one, even if its super short. But today it has to come off. The positive of this is, i finally have some shifts again!!!!! I...
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I been on the jobhunt too... good luck!