So I'm back in San Diego....yea! I've been back like a month, Afghanistan feels like a dream! So I got the job at the bar...then quit. I didn't get along with the owner. I fell in love with my best girlfriend.....and then she broke my heart. I've been in love twice in 26 years...this was one of them. I think I'll just stop opening myself...
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Aaawwww.....so sad. I hope things get better for you. Try not to be cynical. If someone wasn't so responsible with your heart it's their issues and not yours. While closing yourself up may keep you safe from hurt, it also keeps you safe from love and that's no fun. frown
Ok...2 more days in Kandahar...2 days in Kabul...then it's a UN flight to Dubai for 2 days of fun and sun on the white beaches! I have some good friends that live there so I'll stay with them and have fun. For being in the muslim middle east...dubai is like vegas...just more extravagant. Imagine Vegas with unlimited oil revenue...the place is crazy! I'll do some...
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Need any bartenders? I'm currently on the "second job" hunt.....damn, fun cities are expensive!
Happy Valentine's Day!
love kiss confused
8 days left in Afghanistan and it's back to San Diego. Today I was strolling around an old Taliban base that american planes destroyed in 01 and I realized...I'll miss this place. Standing there among the caranage, tanks blown to pieces, femur bone sticking out of the mud, discarded weapons left from people running for their lives...I really am going to miss it. So like...
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Hope you have a safe trip. My brother is on his way home from Iraq as I write this.
Let's see....new years sucked...christmas sucked (bah humbug) but at least I'll be home soon!
Yea.....Christmas in Afghanistan sucks....plus I was told last night I might be fired due to some of the Afghans who work for us stealing company money...How I got in trouble for other people stealing I have no idea...At least I'll be back in San Diego sooner! I decided to go back to school next semester so I already put in my notice with my company....might...
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You know what's stupid...the fact that you cant upload large pictures. I mean, can't they let you upload it big and then SG automatically scales it down. I have the very first Mac iBook and there is no way to reduce the size of pics...so I cant upload any to my photos!!!!! humph..this is me mad mad So Kandahar is dry and dusty...Oh, one of my...
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I have the very 1st iBook as well and I can resize pics...If you'd like, I'll do it for you wink
So I was in Kabul yesterday and I went to a Buskashi game. It originated in Northen Afghanistan on the Uzbekistan border. There are two teams on horses...the ball is a calf with its head cut off and sewed up. The riders try to pick calf and place it in a circle. The other riders try to stop the guy...kinda smeer the queer on horses....
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i miss traveling i used to go all over europe when i was in the navy and had days off.
wow, sounds... interesting for lack of better words! but why a calf with it's head cut off, i wonder? puke
Does anyone know the song "Pancho and Lefty" by Willie Nelson...I think it is the saddest song ever written. It always makes me want to cry....download it if you dont believe me. frown
Ok, first entry and I have no fuckin clue what to write! As to my life, well to me it's uneventful, other think it's action packed. Truth is I'm in Afghanistan working....not military! Hate military. But I am in a Taliban controlled area...they've been cool thus far, I'm still here right. Thought I would get on SG because the chicas are hot and the only...
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What is it you're doing there? Can I come visit?
Sure, come on over. You just need to get used to wearing body armor. Sometimes rockets or car bombs go off and it can rattle your nerves, if you are really lucky someone takes a pot shot at you. But as a woman you are not specifically targeted...I'm in Kandahar which is where the Taliban is still active. We are on the Pakistan boarder which is where all the opium and terrorists cross. The interesting part is that there is weed everywhere....growing in my front yard is about 20 plants...I dont smoke anymore but I'm tempted. The buds smell kind as hell with red hairs...I just like the smell of weed..too bad it makes me so tired and hungry! For work I'm a security coordinator for a company subcontracted under the US government and the UN as well. We provide security to infrastructure projects going on in the country. We hire Afghans to provide the hands on security, I just coordinate and supervise in the field sometimes. It's funny becuase I'm the youngest guy in my company by 20 years. I'm like the punk kid, yet we all make the same money, HA! So that's what I do...I'll post some pictures of me at work....