So, on a whim, I passed my resume to a friend to float around his company. I didn't expect much of it. By chance, another friend heard I'd just finished up my resume and wanted to take a look at it.
Again, I didn't think much of it, so I passed her way. And she passed it to her CTO who replied with, essentially, "This guy looks great!"
A week ago I was worried I wouldn't make my truck payment and rent (much less the utility bills that are already late). This week I've set up an informal interview for a job that would offer a higher salary, stock options, full medical, and, most importantly, room for advancement.
Funny how things change in a week.
Again, I didn't think much of it, so I passed her way. And she passed it to her CTO who replied with, essentially, "This guy looks great!"
A week ago I was worried I wouldn't make my truck payment and rent (much less the utility bills that are already late). This week I've set up an informal interview for a job that would offer a higher salary, stock options, full medical, and, most importantly, room for advancement.
Funny how things change in a week.

That Antigenius fella' sure is going places!