I really, really don't want to do my taxes. That's the worst part of owning your own business.

Wish me luck.
Hahaha. You can't even tell what's so cool about it in those pictures, unfortunately.
Well, it's made of a tablecloth, and it's pinned up in odd places. You can't get the full effect from pictures. I tried quite a few times!
I'm tired. I have to go to yoga tonight. I have to do my taxes. I still have 3 websites to finish.

I remember when doing webpages was fun.

I have way too much going on.

antigenius@localhost$ killall webdesign
antigenius@localhost$ do_taxes &
antigenius@localhost$ sleep.sh
I don't think I will ever have a need for computer books, but thanks! Ha. Also, here's hoping the St. John's Wort kicks in fast!
Another late Saturday night. Another night sitting up writing to you fools, for whatever reason. wink

Had dinner with my friend Emily tonight. She's majorly bummed her boy is out in Colorado while she's out here, though she says the plan is for him to move out here within the year. I've already started looking for jobs and apartments for him. I hope everything works out...
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Last night was a good time. Amazing how much fun you can have on your own (no, my internet porn vice didn't play into this...for once).

And now, a bulleted list:

* I am disappointed things with Julia haven't gone as well as they initially semed

* I have way more web design jobs than I want

* I just got my full-time paycheck and,...
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Tonight the Halfling seeks adventure.

My bag is packed with all the necessities. Food for the journey. Water and juice to keep me hydrated. And breathmints...'cause you never know.

The question now is where is the destination?

Do I head to the city and carouse? Or do I head for the country and seek solace?

We shall see.
Fear my mad baking skills!

Last night I decided to cook again. This doesn't happen nearly as often as it should and often I end up indulging in the horrible glory that is the Hot Pocket. This is not unlike spending every night at home for a month and then partying your ass off for three days straight: you tend not to remember a lot...
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Aw it's not so bad! I don't hate you or anything!
hot pockets----------------> love

Always a good choice.
Sweet. I think I've found away around MT plugin issue. Thanks to Steve for his ideas.


That would be awesome!! Hopefully it all works out and we can all get together. How much fun would that be? smile When's the wedding??

[Edited on Apr 06, 2005 1:18PM]
Only boys make my day. I hate men. tongue
Two things. First, the nerdy. Then, I bring the fun.

First, it looks like I'm gonna have to write a plugin from scratch. This may or may not happen due to an SG security feature. Apparently, SG only lets you login a limited number of times per day. My initial idea for design would involve writing a bot to login for me and make the...
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Okay. Looks like I'll have to write a plugin. Anyone ever written an MT plugin from scratch or have any experience with the API?

I know. I'm a geek.
of course ill be your friend. biggrin
tell me about yourself...what are you into??
Does anyone out there know of a MovableType plugin that allows for generic crossposting? I'm looking at hacking MTLJPost, but would rather avoid that if I can.
It's 1:22AM and in less than 40 minutes it'll be 3:00AM. I hate Daylight Savings Time. It can eat my ass...with caramel.

And possibly whipped cream.
Hello, SG. After stealing litheum182's login and runnin' around, I've decided to join. She's my roommate and wants me to shoot her next application set. Didn't seem right to me to shoot a set and not be a member, so here I am.

More to come. Check my website/blog for more.

Fear me, bitches.