First off...oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!!! Tonight for a school function they opened up a Target store only for freshmen (and those with connections) to shop for a while. There were special sales and deals, as well as a camera crew.
What were they filming for you might ask? Well...Jimmy Kimmel Live of course. So one, I might be on television...
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What were they filming for you might ask? Well...Jimmy Kimmel Live of course. So one, I might be on television...
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Thats frikkin awesome! Bobcat is hilarious!! I got to meet Anthony Zuiker (he produced the CSI shows) because I used to work with his uncle. I was able to give him my rough demo. It was crazy!!
Well it's official, i'm single again. Completely unattached type of single. Crazy shit. It's been almost two solid years since i've been completely single. Any SG's want a date? all of you. Peace
As of last night I am once again single. It's been a rough two days between that and some of the training i'm going through. Plus on top of that i'm decorating an entire hallway. It's been nuts. Any SG's out there want to take this single guy out on a date? eh eh? haha....well....I must go spray paint. Peace and love
Forrest Avery
Forrest Avery
So it's been about three months since my last blog, so I guess that means it's about time I updated this profile. Perhaps throw up some new photos, even this new blog. Yippee. This evening I find myself very peaceful, munching on one of my favorite snacks of white bread and a little I Can't Fucking Believe It's Not Butter! and wondering when it will...
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Well finals week is practically over, which is good. Although I was never really that stressed. But this blog is not about school, or my life, or the fact that I just redyed my hair and it's pretty friggin sweet. This blog is dedicated to my love of Charlie Chaplin. As for filmmakes/storytellers go Chaplin is by far one of my alltime favorites. He is...
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I'm so totally avoiding Henderson. I keep moving so that I can keep growing, you know? How're you doing?
Got your #, will definitely text you when I'm out and around First Friday! 

I'm in love with music...and it is one of the only things that can consistantly get my ass moving. Figured i'd throw up a quick blog of the new albums i've been diggin for anyone looking for some good tunes. If you know of something I should check out let me know.
+Daniel Johnston
+Mel Gibson and the Pants
+Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
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+Daniel Johnston
+Mel Gibson and the Pants
+Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
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thanx for commenting on my set!

Today is my nephews birthday, it's crazy to think he is now five years old. I still remember when I saw him in the hospital righ after he was born, weird. My Sundays are always boring with nothing going on, but today I was excited because I was going to give blood, but thanks to my tattoo I can't give blood again until August, unless...
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I like the rose idea personally.
Could you check out my latest poem entry? And comment if you want? It may make you laugh!
Could you check out my latest poem entry? And comment if you want? It may make you laugh!
This is a TODAY ONLY sort of thing. I have two tickets to see Collin Quinn, of SNL Fame, for tonight at The Joint. Which is located inside the Hard Rock Hotel. They were given to me sort of last minute and to be honest as of right now i'm not even sure what time the show is. I'm also putting up a post on...
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Could you check out my poem entry that I just put on last night? I think you'll like it!
Today was an expedition to buy my nephew his birthday gift. And as I am his only uncle it's my job to be as 'bad' of an influence as possible to this five year old boy. There is a kids play set out now called I-tattoo, where you get a simulated tattoo machine, different colors, and stencils so you can give your friends tattoos. So...
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A simulated tattoo machine? Aw man thats awesome!! I wouldve loved that! Hell I might even want that now! Kids all the coolest shit nowadays.
It's official...i'm sick.
Henry Rollins make me feel better!! Anyone out there bored should listen to this spoken word/stand up. Like any of this 'Talk is Cheap' albums. Or check out the band 'Mel Gibson and the Pants'. Take care everyone
Henry Rollins make me feel better!! Anyone out there bored should listen to this spoken word/stand up. Like any of this 'Talk is Cheap' albums. Or check out the band 'Mel Gibson and the Pants'. Take care everyone
**SGTC BBQ Fo' Sho'. Hopefully it'll be as cool as the Flesh Fest
**Brandy's having a Boy, in case you hadn't heard yet.
**MGATP Fuckin' owns. Strangely enough, my two friends who are most into the Minneapolis Hip-Hop scene aren't particularly keen on them. Oh well.
**Speaking of Minneapolis Hip-Hop, I'll probably be going to see Sims @ the Triple Rock Sunday. I know a guy that knows a guy, so if i go it's likely I'll actually meet him. Same guy got me on the guest list for P.O.S.
**To anyone else reading this that digs Mel Gibson & the Pants - check out any & all of the following awesome Minneapolis Bands:
-Doomtree (P.O.S., Dessa, Cecil Otter, Sims, Mictlan)
-Building Better Bombs (P.O.S.'s Hardcore band)
-The Plastic Constellations (Doomtree DJ Turbo Nemesis' Punk Band)
-Kill the Vultures
**Also, y'all need to buy a copy of P.O.S. & Turbo Nemesis' "Meat Tape". Go now.
**Brandy's having a Boy, in case you hadn't heard yet.
**MGATP Fuckin' owns. Strangely enough, my two friends who are most into the Minneapolis Hip-Hop scene aren't particularly keen on them. Oh well.
**Speaking of Minneapolis Hip-Hop, I'll probably be going to see Sims @ the Triple Rock Sunday. I know a guy that knows a guy, so if i go it's likely I'll actually meet him. Same guy got me on the guest list for P.O.S.
**To anyone else reading this that digs Mel Gibson & the Pants - check out any & all of the following awesome Minneapolis Bands:
-Doomtree (P.O.S., Dessa, Cecil Otter, Sims, Mictlan)
-Building Better Bombs (P.O.S.'s Hardcore band)
-The Plastic Constellations (Doomtree DJ Turbo Nemesis' Punk Band)
-Kill the Vultures
**Also, y'all need to buy a copy of P.O.S. & Turbo Nemesis' "Meat Tape". Go now.