Monday Apr 26, 2004 Apr 26, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email hmm, new here. so far i like it.. umm, nothing much to say.. wish i knew my way around this but hey i have a month's subscription so i have a whole month to figure it out.. sweet.. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS traumahound: Ha-Family Guy rocks my fucking world!!! You'll get the hang of it-are you a member of SG Colorado yet? Let me know... E-mail me your name I can prolly get you into the Dark Arts Fest if your down- May 23, 2004 jholtsnider: 'ello. May 23, 2004
You'll get the hang of it-are you a member of SG Colorado yet? Let me know...
E-mail me your name I can prolly get you into the Dark Arts Fest if your down-