I've really been enjoying the re-runs of Enterprise. Much more so than when it originally aired. Still hate the theme song more than I hate biting the inside of my mouth or tongue or something.
Today I learned that Image pulled out of WWLA. That means I'm not so much going, as the pre-reg date has passed and I WILL NOT pay to get into that particular show.
But - for those of you who ARE going - have a good-ass time.
Okay, I know I'm going to catch shit about this, but....
The Academy Awards.
An Inconvenient Truth. Yes, it's an important issue. It's also an old man's hair width away from being a studio film. Davis Guggenheim directing a Lawrence Bender production. And what do you know - the film whose subject coincides with the Academy's agenda wins the award. Shocker. Has there ever been... Read More
I didn't watch, but I'm a big fan of Ellen. And sorry, but I think it's awesome that Melissa Etheridge gets an Oscar regardless of what movie it was for.
As for An Inconvenient Truth, it's one of those movies that totally changed my viewpoint on life after I watched it (not that I didn't think that global warming wasn't happening, just to that degree), and I'm all for it getting attention, which an Oscar win will give, but I would have liked to have seen Iraq: In Fragments win....