There has been much change in my schooling. Without going into detail, I have been accepted into a scholars program. I have a private academic adviser now, and we revamped my course plan. SWEET WOUNDED JESUS!!! It is a bit over whelming. I fully understood what I was getting into, but when you see it all put down on paper, and there are people holding you too a standard way higher then the average student, it demands a whole new vision of ones path. I am delighted, please understand that, it just seems all so big for someone how has always thought of themselves as so very small. I am excited, and even a little fearful. I don't know if any of you have ever stood at a vertex, a point of being still connected to the past and connected to a completely different future at both the same time, for me it is a point of awe.
I was in a scholar's program before I fucked it up. Luckily I became pretty good friends with my adviser so I still get a lot of the benefits, heh. Having a friend in the advisement office is a seriously great way to cut through a lot of bullshit. Take advantage!
Just stopping by XO