Thanks everyone about the kind words for my dog. The past 36 hours have been hard, but I'm starting to feel better. She was really suffering (it was evident just before she was put down), so I feel better knowing we did the best thing for her. I bought a heart shaped box today and put some of the fur I collected at the vet as a little memorial for her. I just need to wait for the pawprints to get done, which should be later this week. Its so weird, knowing that she is gone, and I'm not ever going to pet her again. The thought occured to me awhile ago just how old she was and how her time was probably going to be soon. I still really miss her. I probably will for a very, very long time.
I keep finding these pictures that I did take of her, over the past year, that I posted on my livejournal. Well, its only four pictures, but its four more pictures than I thought I actually have. I'm going to go to my parents house sometime this week with a bunch of photo paper and scan/print a bunch of pictures of her to put in a photo album. I didn't take a single picture of her with me when I moved, which is weird.
Its still all so surreal right now.
(Psst. If you didn't read my last entry, you should do so)
I keep finding these pictures that I did take of her, over the past year, that I posted on my livejournal. Well, its only four pictures, but its four more pictures than I thought I actually have. I'm going to go to my parents house sometime this week with a bunch of photo paper and scan/print a bunch of pictures of her to put in a photo album. I didn't take a single picture of her with me when I moved, which is weird.
Its still all so surreal right now.
(Psst. If you didn't read my last entry, you should do so)
Oh no, I hadn't heard that with being away.
I'm sorry.

Jesus. Nothing worse than losing a pet. Fuck. I am so sorry kiddo.