The weather is really nice right now. In fact, its actually livable for once. I'm not one for really hot weather (30 centrigrade and up) as it makes me feel really sick. However, the temperature is in the mid twenties right now, making it perfect for Kathleen to go out and enjoy her self.
Still haven't heard back from Williams and Sonoma yet, neither have my references. I'll probably give them a call sometime this week and see if they're still going through the selection process or not. *sighs* I really want this job. I'm tired of being a Home Depot slave.
Still haven't heard back from Williams and Sonoma yet, neither have my references. I'll probably give them a call sometime this week and see if they're still going through the selection process or not. *sighs* I really want this job. I'm tired of being a Home Depot slave.
awh bless her
they are such funny little creatures

awwwh! *squeals*
i totally want another hamster now!!!!!