Wow, I haven't updated in awhile.. which is odd for me. I didn't even have anything all that constructive to do anyways. Well, there was work but that doesn't count.
My boy stayed over on Thursday night, and it was utter bliss
I have never felt so loved before up until then. We were getting ready to fall asleep and just the way he had his arm around me- I have never felt so comforted before. We didn't really sleep that well though; I'm not used to sharing a bed with someone so I kept tossing and turning when he would move around in his sleep, which would wake him up. He woke up at 3:00 in the morning because he had to make use of the facilities, which woke me up. There was a lot more being awake than sleeping.
We ended up waking up around 7:00 because he decided to call in sick at work, but needed to get up in time to call in sick. After he did that, we just lay in bed for about another hour. It was definately really relaxing and it just felt right. Unfortunately, he needed to get home around 9:00 because he had to work on his programming stuff (he's currently designing a font). It worked out wonderfully because I was able to go to Starbucks and get my coffee fix. Yummy!
Ah, to be in love.

My boy stayed over on Thursday night, and it was utter bliss

We ended up waking up around 7:00 because he decided to call in sick at work, but needed to get up in time to call in sick. After he did that, we just lay in bed for about another hour. It was definately really relaxing and it just felt right. Unfortunately, he needed to get home around 9:00 because he had to work on his programming stuff (he's currently designing a font). It worked out wonderfully because I was able to go to Starbucks and get my coffee fix. Yummy!
Ah, to be in love.

thank you ever so much for your kind words of praise on our new set! ♥
I'm never able to get a solid sleep with someone else in the sack either. But I still like it more than sleeping alone.