(x-posted from my livejournal because I'm lazy motherfucker)
There is so much I want to write about, but when I actually get infront of the computer I can't bring myself to do it. I don't understand why the lack of motivation because in other aspects of my life, I'm not that unmotivated. In fact, I would like to think that I've gained more motivation in the past few months than I've had in the last two years. I guess I needed something to switch off.
Even though I'm into week three for school, I'm already really busy with assignments and what not. I've already completed a prelimary site plan for a building we're drawing up in my drafting class, I've had two assignments for structures, and the planning for the pavillion that's involved for my group work class is already well underway. I've more or less being forced to be social with some of the people in my class for this group project, but it hasn't been all that bad and I actually have a voice in this assignment! That's a first as I'm usually so passive that I'll end up being walked over in terms of the decisions because I hate working in groups. It was kind of rewarding to hear how the other members in my group really liked my layout for the pavillion. In fact, I had a moment where I wanted to stick out my chest and be all "hey hey, look at me!". This is obviously what I was meant to do for the rest of my life as it is all coming together so perfectly. Another bonus with school is that I'm finally understanding what's going on in my structures class; I'd leave almost every class last semester wondering what the hell just happened in that class, but I've now got a firm grip on what's going on.
I think I might have had a panic attack today. Though, it could have been directly caused by the insane heat circulating through my stuctures class, but I pulled through. My chin has also had moments where it'll go tingly, almost like there's a small electrical current going through it, but I can't figure out what's going on with it. My mom said she's only experienced that feeling when she's had a tooth absess, but my teeth are fine. If I had a tooth beginning to absess, the dentist would have pointed that out to me last week when I was there for a checkup. If its really starting to bother me, I'll go see my doctor. It's so weird, since I had that one day of abdominal pain, I've become more aware of my body and when it's truly not happy. I don't know if this is a good thing though as it could lead to increased paranoia about things that could potentially be wrong with me, and I don't want to became more of a hypocondriac than I am already.
My Star Wars movies came in the mail today! ^____^ This means there will be some Return of the Jedi action tonight. And, it won't be the remastered version, but the original theatrical cut. I cannot stand the remastered version of ROTJ because George Lucas changed so much at the end, including the Ewok song! You can imagine how happy I was to hear that the original theatrical cuts were being released.
And that's it with me.

There is so much I want to write about, but when I actually get infront of the computer I can't bring myself to do it. I don't understand why the lack of motivation because in other aspects of my life, I'm not that unmotivated. In fact, I would like to think that I've gained more motivation in the past few months than I've had in the last two years. I guess I needed something to switch off.
Even though I'm into week three for school, I'm already really busy with assignments and what not. I've already completed a prelimary site plan for a building we're drawing up in my drafting class, I've had two assignments for structures, and the planning for the pavillion that's involved for my group work class is already well underway. I've more or less being forced to be social with some of the people in my class for this group project, but it hasn't been all that bad and I actually have a voice in this assignment! That's a first as I'm usually so passive that I'll end up being walked over in terms of the decisions because I hate working in groups. It was kind of rewarding to hear how the other members in my group really liked my layout for the pavillion. In fact, I had a moment where I wanted to stick out my chest and be all "hey hey, look at me!". This is obviously what I was meant to do for the rest of my life as it is all coming together so perfectly. Another bonus with school is that I'm finally understanding what's going on in my structures class; I'd leave almost every class last semester wondering what the hell just happened in that class, but I've now got a firm grip on what's going on.
I think I might have had a panic attack today. Though, it could have been directly caused by the insane heat circulating through my stuctures class, but I pulled through. My chin has also had moments where it'll go tingly, almost like there's a small electrical current going through it, but I can't figure out what's going on with it. My mom said she's only experienced that feeling when she's had a tooth absess, but my teeth are fine. If I had a tooth beginning to absess, the dentist would have pointed that out to me last week when I was there for a checkup. If its really starting to bother me, I'll go see my doctor. It's so weird, since I had that one day of abdominal pain, I've become more aware of my body and when it's truly not happy. I don't know if this is a good thing though as it could lead to increased paranoia about things that could potentially be wrong with me, and I don't want to became more of a hypocondriac than I am already.
My Star Wars movies came in the mail today! ^____^ This means there will be some Return of the Jedi action tonight. And, it won't be the remastered version, but the original theatrical cut. I cannot stand the remastered version of ROTJ because George Lucas changed so much at the end, including the Ewok song! You can imagine how happy I was to hear that the original theatrical cuts were being released.
And that's it with me.

The team working sounds ace, and that's what it is all about, airing your opinions, and sharing and discussing them. Yay!