The Crocodile Hunter was killed by a sting-ray. Is anyone as shocked about this as I am?
BTW, Happy Labour Day for all of those who celebrate it!
I got my sorry ass out of bed this morning to finish up my titleblocks for my Architectural CAD Applications class (for those who aren't in the drafting know, a titleblock is what the drawing is printed on with the name of the company who completed the drawing, the scale it is, etc) and I got it finished 1.5 hours earlier than expected! I am truly an AutoCAD machine! Once I'm finished writing this, I'm going to hop into the shower, get my self all nice and squeaky clean, and head out to Safeway to pick up a few things I'm going to need for the week. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning, contemplating doing my site plan for my drafting class (which means I might just take a look at it), and waiting until 8:00 for the "new" season of Project Runway to start. See, it's already played in the States, but us Crazy Canucks have to wait until after it's finished playing to see it. I guess I could have gone on to YouTube it see if it's on there, but this'll make my Monday evenings a little more enjoyable.
I need to go buy MORE yarn for the Dr. Who scarf! I'm running out of purple and green
. *sighs* Stupid scarf. I'm almost half way through it, which is a good thing. It's getting hard to juggle when I should be working on the scarf and when I want to be playing WoW
Ah, I'm terrible.
Well, time's slowly wasting away. I should go hop in the shower now.
BTW, Happy Labour Day for all of those who celebrate it!
I got my sorry ass out of bed this morning to finish up my titleblocks for my Architectural CAD Applications class (for those who aren't in the drafting know, a titleblock is what the drawing is printed on with the name of the company who completed the drawing, the scale it is, etc) and I got it finished 1.5 hours earlier than expected! I am truly an AutoCAD machine! Once I'm finished writing this, I'm going to hop into the shower, get my self all nice and squeaky clean, and head out to Safeway to pick up a few things I'm going to need for the week. I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning, contemplating doing my site plan for my drafting class (which means I might just take a look at it), and waiting until 8:00 for the "new" season of Project Runway to start. See, it's already played in the States, but us Crazy Canucks have to wait until after it's finished playing to see it. I guess I could have gone on to YouTube it see if it's on there, but this'll make my Monday evenings a little more enjoyable.
I need to go buy MORE yarn for the Dr. Who scarf! I'm running out of purple and green

Well, time's slowly wasting away. I should go hop in the shower now.

You are an AutoCad maven
You haven't finished that scarf yet
you'll have to stay behind and get it finished.