This week, I have exams and need to builda scale model of my project house. I think once I finish my finals (which'll be Tuesday, which isn't bad at all), it'll go by smoothly. Technically, I've already built the house once already, so it shouldn't be too bad. I just have to lay off the WoW this week
I'm watching hockey tonight, because there isn't much on right now. So far, if you care about the Calgary vs. Anaheim game, Calgary is losing 2-0 after the first period. I'm not the biggest Flames fan (or hockey fan for that matter), but I'm still cheering them on. Go Flames Go!
Alright, off to play WoW.

I'm watching hockey tonight, because there isn't much on right now. So far, if you care about the Calgary vs. Anaheim game, Calgary is losing 2-0 after the first period. I'm not the biggest Flames fan (or hockey fan for that matter), but I'm still cheering them on. Go Flames Go!
Alright, off to play WoW.
Wanna switch?
Once school is out its time to get stoopid on the red mile
Im the same way with internet porn