Taye has quite possibly the sweetest smile. If you haven't seen her set, go do so!
There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel in regards to my project house assignment. It's looking, however, that I'm quite possibly the farthest ahead in the assignment out of everyone in the class. SO, I'm hoping that it'll get pushed back a week as a result. I'm not expecting it to happen, but I can always hope, right?
Yesterday on the train up to school, I listened to some girls comparing french kissing to having a fish or an eel in their mouths.

America's Next Top Model is on tonight. So exciting! What's not exciting, however, is that my soap opera is delayed for a few days because of college basketball going on in the States. Grrr....
My mom noticed my septum piercing today. She looked at me and asked "why does it look like there's an earring in your nose?" I made up the stupidest story ever (not even going to put it on here), and she believed me! How do I know she did? Because she would have lectured me about having a ring through my nose. So, once I got home I promptly went on the BMEzine online store and ordered two clear acrylic circular barbells. They won't come for two weeks, but it just means I have to be extra careful until they come in the mail. Maybe I'll get lucky and my mom won't say anything about it again. I doubt it, but we'll see what happens. When I told her the story, I ran into the bathroom to check my septum ring and told her the story in there because I'm such a bad liar and she would have caught me in the lie. I feel like such an ass, but at the same time, I'm 20 and there isn't a damn thing she can do about what I do with my body. It's hard to knwo what'll happen though because my mom will usually believe me when I lie and doesn't when I tell her the truth. *grabs hair* It's so stressful just thinking about it!
Alright, I'm gonna wrap this up. I need to get back to work. Talk to you later, darlings.

EDIT: ZOMG! My preliminary design package for the project house has been moved to Monday!!!!!!!! Sanity at last!!!!!!
haha I have a habit of listening to peoples conversations in public, and it's always embarressing when I laugh at something they say because then it's obvious I've been listening in!