I was tagged by TabbyCat, so without further ado:
Six weird things or habits about me:
1) I will drink flat pop. Dr. Pepper is my favourite pop to drink flat.
2) I'm a firm believer that leftover Chinese Food should be eaten cold. Especially orange chicken and barbeque pork.
3) I'm a terrible procrastinator, but if I need to get something done, I will be fully devoted to it until my work is done.
4) I'm constantly cleaning my septum jewellry with a q-tip because I hate the idea of exposing it when it's dirty.
5) I hate eating salad with dinner, but I could eat a veggie sandwich everyday of the week
6) I always answer the phone if I know that it's a charity asking me for money because I like yelling at them if they start using guilt tactics to get money from me that I don't have.
I tag anyone who wants to do this. I think that's plenty fair enough.
So, 24 last night.. I'll put it under a spoiler tag if you haven't seen 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. yet.
Six weird things or habits about me:
1) I will drink flat pop. Dr. Pepper is my favourite pop to drink flat.
2) I'm a firm believer that leftover Chinese Food should be eaten cold. Especially orange chicken and barbeque pork.
3) I'm a terrible procrastinator, but if I need to get something done, I will be fully devoted to it until my work is done.
4) I'm constantly cleaning my septum jewellry with a q-tip because I hate the idea of exposing it when it's dirty.
5) I hate eating salad with dinner, but I could eat a veggie sandwich everyday of the week
6) I always answer the phone if I know that it's a charity asking me for money because I like yelling at them if they start using guilt tactics to get money from me that I don't have.
I tag anyone who wants to do this. I think that's plenty fair enough.
So, 24 last night.. I'll put it under a spoiler tag if you haven't seen 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. yet.
Alright, enough of that. American Idol and Rick Mercer Report are on tonight. If you aren't Canadian, than you probably have no idea who Rick Mercer is. In that case, watch some of the videos on the website. He's a funny duck, that one.
And... off to go order pizza. I'm out of food and have no time to go groccery shopping tonight
Damn right: we're not that far in at all, and it is alreay soooooooo much better than Day 4.