This week is over, but I don't know if that's a good thing or not.
I got my major projects done this week; sure, it took me a grand total of about 23 hours cumulatively over the span of a week and a half, but damn. However, I am no where near being free of my homework hell.
One of the major projects in this program of mine is to design a house that meets all the outlined requirements for a lot in the city. It's also a contest with scholarship money involved
There are a lot of restrictions that need to be taken into account for this house, but we'll see what happens. The biggest obstactle I think is going to design a house that isn't more than 3000 square feet. If I do that, I'm disqualifed from the contest. I also have to make sure that if I look in magazines for inspiration (I'm going to be doing a Tudor style house), I'm not to "copy" anything. Apparently, the judges catch that really quickly too. I have five weeks to get the project all done. However, I have a week to figure out a basic plan for the house. *bangs head on the computer* I'll be surprised if I survive this. I'll be seeing less of my friends, family and boyfriend in order to get this project done, which makes me feel horrible! I miss my boyfriend more than anything else because I can just cuddle and relax with him. Even doing that for 20 minutes makes all the difference in the world.
Apparently the Queen tickets have arrived and are at my dad's flat. That, of course, means that they're in London and I have to wait until he heads over there again before I can lay my hands on them. I'll be sure to post a picture, don't worry
This concert can't come fast enough.
I just watched my roommate's hamster walk in a complete circle. Good times. Speaking of funny animal stories, my parents' dog has recently decided that when he wants to pee, he'll now start lifting his leg. Usually, when he does that, he lifts the wrong leg and ends up peeing in the wind
Today, however, he finally figured it out and peed on the barbeque cover. My dad was not impressed, but it was still funny none-the-less. The damn dog this week also ate one of my pencil crayons and grabbed a serrated knife off the kitchen counter. To make it better, he was holding the knife with the blade end in his mouth. You know, for such a smart dog he can be so stupid.
I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I haven't been sleeping that well and I'm insanely tired.

I got my major projects done this week; sure, it took me a grand total of about 23 hours cumulatively over the span of a week and a half, but damn. However, I am no where near being free of my homework hell.
One of the major projects in this program of mine is to design a house that meets all the outlined requirements for a lot in the city. It's also a contest with scholarship money involved

Apparently the Queen tickets have arrived and are at my dad's flat. That, of course, means that they're in London and I have to wait until he heads over there again before I can lay my hands on them. I'll be sure to post a picture, don't worry

I just watched my roommate's hamster walk in a complete circle. Good times. Speaking of funny animal stories, my parents' dog has recently decided that when he wants to pee, he'll now start lifting his leg. Usually, when he does that, he lifts the wrong leg and ends up peeing in the wind

I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I haven't been sleeping that well and I'm insanely tired.

Clearly, instead, I use my time wisely by looking at boobs on the internet