I've been attempting to take some body shots of myself for the past few days, but I don't like any of them. Don't get me wrong, my body is looking great. What isn't looking great is my neck. While I'm not the skinniest chick around, I have this double chin that makes me look like I'm 50lbs heavier than I actually am. Its more disheartening than anything else because I see it, and it makes me feel nasty. Any headshots you see of me are from about 10 pictures I have taken of myself and is chosen as being the one that hides my neck. I can only crane my neck out so far so many times. I've worked really hard to get a body shape that I'm happy with and I'm currently in the process of toning it. However, I don't see the neck issue going away anytime soon. While I know most you could care less about it, it bothers me. I'll come up with something eventually. I'm trying so hard not to be as insecure with myself, but its things like this that make it difficult.
Alright, enough about that. Nothing else is really new with me. I just needed to get that off my chest.

Alright, enough about that. Nothing else is really new with me. I just needed to get that off my chest.

Err I dont think a beard would work for her 

Thanks for the sweet comment on my set! It really made my day