From Sky's journal:
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz (and my second attempt at doing it because I accidentally deleted it the first time)
1. Who did you last get angry with?
Chris, my ex-boyfriend over the fact that he thinks all women hate him.
2. What is your weapon of choice?:
I'm a fan of Wolverine's claws. Not really the best weapon, but cool none-the-less.
3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
4. How about of the same sex?:
See above.
5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you?
Not too sure, actually.
6. What is your pet peeve?:
People who listen to music really loud on their personal players to the point where I can sing along to the song.
7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?:
No, I keep them.
1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time?
Exercise properly.
2. What is the latest you've ever woken up?:
Noon; otherwise, I feel like I've wasted away a good chunk of my day.
3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?
That is a very long list.
4. What is the last lame excuse you made?:
About not wanting to go to the Calgary Flames hockey game tonight because I'm afraid of the crowds (I've got agorophobia over here). I told them that Jay's parents invited me over for dinner, which is partially true, but they forgot that they had made plans previously with some friends.
5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?:
I watched the one for "Nads" years ago, other hair removal products, for Ginsu knives- the list goes on and on.
6. When was the last time you got a good workout in?:
Months and months ago. I go for long walks at school, but I don't think that really counts. I am going to go back to the gym soon.
7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?:
Its Saturday, so I could sleep in today
1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?:
My ridiculous Starbucks addiction covers that: Venti-soy-extra hot-Tazo Chai is $4.83 CAN
2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat?:
White meat.
3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?:
A few coolers (probably three or four), and I was gone. Pathetic, I know.
4. Have you ever used a professional diet company?:
LA WeightLoss. I stopped going because I felt more frustrated with myself than anything else.
5. Do you have an issue with your weight?:
Yes. Though, I just need to start working out again and the rest of my fat will burn off- I've already got the hour glass figure goin' on.
6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?:
Sweet food. I used to prefer salty foods, and
7. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?:
1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?:
Well, if I went on what I saw here on this site, A LOT! If I'm going outside the interweb, 2 fully naked, and more than a handful half naked.
2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?:
A few. I know most of you have seen my boobies
3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation?:
Chest more than anything else. Asses as well, but I can't help but compare myself to other girls.
4. Have you had sex?:
Darn tootin'
5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice?:
Abs ^_________^
6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?:
7. Have you ever gotten tested for an STD or pregnancy?:
I was tested for HIV/AIDS when I was having yeast infections all the time (like, once every month and a half for six months), and I took an at home pregnancy test back in May because my period was considerably late. Thankfully, both came back negative.
1. How many credit cards do you own?:
2. What's your guilty pleasure store?:
ALDO, Starbucks, Old Navy
3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?
Invest some, send my parents on a nice trip, pay for my education, get a nice house, and a few other things.
4. Would you rather be rich, or famous?:
Rich. Trust me, I'm not that popular to begin with, and I don't think being famous would do anything to help me.
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?:
I did that already.
6. Have you ever stolen anything?:
Well, a Home Depot tape measurer that Depot gives to all of its associates, but I don't think that really counts.
7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive?:
247 songs on my iTunes, but its closer to 300+. Its not that impressive, I know.
1. What one thing have you done that you're most proud of?:
Getting in to the architectural technologies program at the college I'm currently at.
2. What one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of?
Same as the above.
3. What thing would you like to accomplish later in your life?:
Find true love and get married.
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?:
Sometimes, but I feel better knowing that I accomplished something first
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?:
Yes, actually. It was a self-checkout race at Depot amongst all the other associates.
6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?:
Yes. I'm terrible, I know.
7. What did you do today that you're proud of?:
Nothing. Seriously.
1. What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own?:
I have pretty much well everything that I want. I guess another answer might be an engagement ring, only because they look so pretty.
2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces":
Not sure at this point.
3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?:
I'm not too sure. I'm happy being myself right now.
4. Have you ever been cheated on?:
Not sure. I wouldn't want to know at this point.
5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?:
Yes: my stomach.
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?:
To not be such a worry wart.
7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey?:
Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin?:
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz (and my second attempt at doing it because I accidentally deleted it the first time)
1. Who did you last get angry with?
Chris, my ex-boyfriend over the fact that he thinks all women hate him.
2. What is your weapon of choice?:
I'm a fan of Wolverine's claws. Not really the best weapon, but cool none-the-less.
3. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?
4. How about of the same sex?:
See above.
5. Who was the last person who got really angry at you?
Not too sure, actually.
6. What is your pet peeve?:
People who listen to music really loud on their personal players to the point where I can sing along to the song.
7. Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?:
No, I keep them.
1. What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time?
Exercise properly.
2. What is the latest you've ever woken up?:
Noon; otherwise, I feel like I've wasted away a good chunk of my day.
3. Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?
That is a very long list.
4. What is the last lame excuse you made?:
About not wanting to go to the Calgary Flames hockey game tonight because I'm afraid of the crowds (I've got agorophobia over here). I told them that Jay's parents invited me over for dinner, which is partially true, but they forgot that they had made plans previously with some friends.
5. Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?:
I watched the one for "Nads" years ago, other hair removal products, for Ginsu knives- the list goes on and on.
6. When was the last time you got a good workout in?:
Months and months ago. I go for long walks at school, but I don't think that really counts. I am going to go back to the gym soon.
7. How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?:
Its Saturday, so I could sleep in today
1. What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?:
My ridiculous Starbucks addiction covers that: Venti-soy-extra hot-Tazo Chai is $4.83 CAN
2. Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat?:
White meat.
3. What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?:
A few coolers (probably three or four), and I was gone. Pathetic, I know.
4. Have you ever used a professional diet company?:
LA WeightLoss. I stopped going because I felt more frustrated with myself than anything else.
5. Do you have an issue with your weight?:
Yes. Though, I just need to start working out again and the rest of my fat will burn off- I've already got the hour glass figure goin' on.
6. Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?:
Sweet food. I used to prefer salty foods, and
7. Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?:
1. How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?:
Well, if I went on what I saw here on this site, A LOT! If I'm going outside the interweb, 2 fully naked, and more than a handful half naked.
2. How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?:
A few. I know most of you have seen my boobies

3. Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation?:
Chest more than anything else. Asses as well, but I can't help but compare myself to other girls.
4. Have you had sex?:
Darn tootin'
5. What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice?:
Abs ^_________^
6. Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?:
7. Have you ever gotten tested for an STD or pregnancy?:
I was tested for HIV/AIDS when I was having yeast infections all the time (like, once every month and a half for six months), and I took an at home pregnancy test back in May because my period was considerably late. Thankfully, both came back negative.
1. How many credit cards do you own?:
2. What's your guilty pleasure store?:
ALDO, Starbucks, Old Navy
3. If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?
Invest some, send my parents on a nice trip, pay for my education, get a nice house, and a few other things.
4. Would you rather be rich, or famous?:
Rich. Trust me, I'm not that popular to begin with, and I don't think being famous would do anything to help me.
5. Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?:
I did that already.
6. Have you ever stolen anything?:
Well, a Home Depot tape measurer that Depot gives to all of its associates, but I don't think that really counts.
7. How many MP3s are on your hard drive?:
247 songs on my iTunes, but its closer to 300+. Its not that impressive, I know.
1. What one thing have you done that you're most proud of?:
Getting in to the architectural technologies program at the college I'm currently at.
2. What one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of?
Same as the above.
3. What thing would you like to accomplish later in your life?:
Find true love and get married.
4. Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?:
Sometimes, but I feel better knowing that I accomplished something first
5. Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?:
Yes, actually. It was a self-checkout race at Depot amongst all the other associates.
6. Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?:
Yes. I'm terrible, I know.
7. What did you do today that you're proud of?:
Nothing. Seriously.
1. What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own?:
I have pretty much well everything that I want. I guess another answer might be an engagement ring, only because they look so pretty.
2. Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces":
Not sure at this point.
3. If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?:
I'm not too sure. I'm happy being myself right now.
4. Have you ever been cheated on?:
Not sure. I wouldn't want to know at this point.
5. Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?:
Yes: my stomach.
6. What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?:
To not be such a worry wart.
7. Do you wish you'd come up with this survey?:
Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin?:
i few coolers is fine!, sometimes i get drunk on beer. hehe