I was tagged by hubble, so here are the 20 facts about me:
1) I have a birth mark on my left knee. Actually, its a mole so it looks like an oversized beauty mark. My pediatrician suggested five years ago that I should have it removed, but I've had it since I was born so I'm really attached to it. Thankfully, the dermatologist said there was no need to have it removed, so my mole and I are still living happily together.
2) I am quite possibly the worst liar in the face of the earth. Unless I could wear a face mask, I doubt that I'll have a successful career as a professional poker player.
3) I have an anime obsession that started when I was ten years old when Sailor Moon made its debut in North America.
4) Music is my fine art of choice, and my speciality is the oboe. However, I haven't played since the end of 2002
5) My mom used to sing me "Puff the Magic Dragon" when I was a little girl to go to sleep.
6) I can kick anyone's ass in cribbage
7) I've been playing video games since I was seven years old
8) Once upon a time I could work my way through MS-DOS completely. I believe I was six years old at the time once I was fluent in it. Now, I don't even remember most of the basic commands
9) Chocolate from Bernard Callebaut will always win me over. Seriously.
10) My parents seperated when I was little (thankfully they got back together), but as I result I'm very paranoid about my relationships.
11) After working in the paint department at Home Depot for six months, I still don't know the product that well, but I can match colours like no one else
12) I base a healthy body weight on whether or not my collar bones are visable (which they are starting to!)
13) I have a special place in my heart for gay men. Not only can we talk shoes, but they are possibily the sweetest men that have walked the earth.
14) I tend to take songs and make them my good friend's theme songs. My theme song is Minority by Green Day
15) I originally went to university as a psychology major because people feel that I have no problem listening to their problems. That, and I wouldn't have to deal with blood and vomit like how a nurse would.
16) I HATE gangsta rap. Seriously, I could care less about the amount of bitches your going to fuck and all the 'hoes around
17) All of my extended family lives in Ontario, which is on the other side of Canada from me if you aren't sure of your Canadian geography. As a result, I'm really not close to my extended family and dread the Christmas phone calls every year.
18) I got the chicken pox when I was nine and have a bunch of scars even though I didn't scratch a single spot.
19) I LOVE strawberry lipgloss
20) When I was five years old, I decided to pretend play with my mom's curling iron with my sister because we were playing "hair dresser". What I didn't realize was that my mom just finished using it and I grabbed the barrell. I got second degree burns on my right hand (and I managed not to have any scars) and the doctors thought my mom was abusing me. Seriously.
I hope you all enjoyed reading that.
1) I have a birth mark on my left knee. Actually, its a mole so it looks like an oversized beauty mark. My pediatrician suggested five years ago that I should have it removed, but I've had it since I was born so I'm really attached to it. Thankfully, the dermatologist said there was no need to have it removed, so my mole and I are still living happily together.
2) I am quite possibly the worst liar in the face of the earth. Unless I could wear a face mask, I doubt that I'll have a successful career as a professional poker player.
3) I have an anime obsession that started when I was ten years old when Sailor Moon made its debut in North America.
4) Music is my fine art of choice, and my speciality is the oboe. However, I haven't played since the end of 2002

5) My mom used to sing me "Puff the Magic Dragon" when I was a little girl to go to sleep.
6) I can kick anyone's ass in cribbage
7) I've been playing video games since I was seven years old
8) Once upon a time I could work my way through MS-DOS completely. I believe I was six years old at the time once I was fluent in it. Now, I don't even remember most of the basic commands
9) Chocolate from Bernard Callebaut will always win me over. Seriously.
10) My parents seperated when I was little (thankfully they got back together), but as I result I'm very paranoid about my relationships.
11) After working in the paint department at Home Depot for six months, I still don't know the product that well, but I can match colours like no one else
12) I base a healthy body weight on whether or not my collar bones are visable (which they are starting to!)
13) I have a special place in my heart for gay men. Not only can we talk shoes, but they are possibily the sweetest men that have walked the earth.
14) I tend to take songs and make them my good friend's theme songs. My theme song is Minority by Green Day
15) I originally went to university as a psychology major because people feel that I have no problem listening to their problems. That, and I wouldn't have to deal with blood and vomit like how a nurse would.
16) I HATE gangsta rap. Seriously, I could care less about the amount of bitches your going to fuck and all the 'hoes around
17) All of my extended family lives in Ontario, which is on the other side of Canada from me if you aren't sure of your Canadian geography. As a result, I'm really not close to my extended family and dread the Christmas phone calls every year.
18) I got the chicken pox when I was nine and have a bunch of scars even though I didn't scratch a single spot.
19) I LOVE strawberry lipgloss
20) When I was five years old, I decided to pretend play with my mom's curling iron with my sister because we were playing "hair dresser". What I didn't realize was that my mom just finished using it and I grabbed the barrell. I got second degree burns on my right hand (and I managed not to have any scars) and the doctors thought my mom was abusing me. Seriously.
I hope you all enjoyed reading that.

don't worry. I'll make him pay if its the last thing I do.

DOS always seems to elude if you haven't used it in more than a month