So hurricane Irene is kinda of pussy. Im sitting here middle of NewJersey bored to tears and awake for no reason. I havent lost power or even cable but I have been awoken by my firefighter sister to borrow dry cloths when she runs home in between saving flooded out rich people in a township row boat ( I find it fitting that my "poor" neighbor hood has no flooding and still has power and people are being floated out of mansions just a mile away). *poor because my town is very much rich and being lower middleclass is like being homeless to most of the people here, personally I love my neighborhood and am thankful to be blessed with so much*
Irene is sad, I think the freak earthquake was alot more frightening than sissy ass rain, but you wouldnt know it if you saw the gas stations and shoprites in my area. People were buying 12 gallons of milk each as if we were going to sink into the ocean or become New Orleans. I understand better safe than sorry, but lets be serious I dont live on a beach or river and I doubt these families are going to drink their way through all that milk in just 24 hours. Plus why are they filling their cars tanks? for real if it does flood where the hell are they driving to in a lexus?
So anywayz. No im awake alone and bored because everything in town is closed( for the first time in years) and no vehicles are aloud on the road anwayz. Now its just me and the two dogs against Irene(Well my reptiles are here too) and there isnt even any damage to my farm or anything to take pictures of( My cannon is in tears from non-use)
So now its time for beautiful naked chicks, rant over
Irene is sad, I think the freak earthquake was alot more frightening than sissy ass rain, but you wouldnt know it if you saw the gas stations and shoprites in my area. People were buying 12 gallons of milk each as if we were going to sink into the ocean or become New Orleans. I understand better safe than sorry, but lets be serious I dont live on a beach or river and I doubt these families are going to drink their way through all that milk in just 24 hours. Plus why are they filling their cars tanks? for real if it does flood where the hell are they driving to in a lexus?
So anywayz. No im awake alone and bored because everything in town is closed( for the first time in years) and no vehicles are aloud on the road anwayz. Now its just me and the two dogs against Irene(Well my reptiles are here too) and there isnt even any damage to my farm or anything to take pictures of( My cannon is in tears from non-use)

So now its time for beautiful naked chicks, rant over

my babygirl in the front yard this morning, I have more pictures but the wireless internet is sucking the big-one right now