Dude sometimes i just wanna throw a computer out the window. yesterday i tried to upload my pictures from my camara and they all got deleted and it was the entire summer so now im totally bummed and pissed that i lost them and some of them were classics! fuck technology.
oo well i guess more fun times must be had so i can snap some more pix. The fucking county fair is in my town this week and the traffic to get into the fair was like an hour on wed...rediculous. i might head up there tonight hopefully there will be pictures next time i write...if my camara and computer stop being out to get me!
Peace baby
oo well i guess more fun times must be had so i can snap some more pix. The fucking county fair is in my town this week and the traffic to get into the fair was like an hour on wed...rediculous. i might head up there tonight hopefully there will be pictures next time i write...if my camara and computer stop being out to get me!
Peace baby