So hurricane Irene is kinda of pussy. Im sitting here middle of NewJersey bored to tears and awake for no reason. I havent lost power or even cable but I have been awoken by my firefighter sister to borrow dry cloths when she runs home in between saving flooded out rich people in a township row boat ( I find it fitting that my "poor"...
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Congrats to my older brother and his new beautiful wife!!!!!!
so this weekend I finally got the older sister I always wished my brother was growing up. Im soo happy for my bro he found his bestfriend and soulmate(cant wait for little nieces).
Had a great time but, My Ankles got killed in Stilletos....So Now Im in pain.....
so this weekend I finally got the older sister I always wished my brother was growing up. Im soo happy for my bro he found his bestfriend and soulmate(cant wait for little nieces).
Had a great time but, My Ankles got killed in Stilletos....So Now Im in pain.....

I guess thats the only way to go when people try and play you,
just drop 'em get rid of them why play the game.
just drop 'em get rid of them why play the game.
So my first week at Rutgers Started. So far so good. Ive been back on the wagon, but realize that I have no friends or activities if i refuse to drink. Hell even the person im seeing doesnt want anything to do with me sober. So I decided to throw myself into school and activities there. Hopefully I find a new life and new friends...
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I'm sorry to hear that the people around you suck so bad.
It's good your still going to stick with it. Good luck girly
It's good your still going to stick with it. Good luck girly

I fell off the wagon again and saterday night i decided to get clean again. So wish me luck on week one. I already have a bunch of bottom feeders trying to offer me beer and watever, prob in exchange for wat they think will be some awsome freaky girl sex. But actually would be more or less me freaking the hell out. Watever just...
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I wish you all the luck and support in the world

i wish you all the luck in the world lady. i think the hardest part is definitely finding friends and a social life outside of that whole scene.
you might wanna try a different AA group. since they're so self-directed, some of them are great and some not so much. i was just talking about this in regards to a friend of mine who's trying to quit drinking and who is also an atheist. i've seen so many people have great success from working the program, and there are certain meetings that cater to different kinds of people.
whatever you decide to do, good luck!
you might wanna try a different AA group. since they're so self-directed, some of them are great and some not so much. i was just talking about this in regards to a friend of mine who's trying to quit drinking and who is also an atheist. i've seen so many people have great success from working the program, and there are certain meetings that cater to different kinds of people.
whatever you decide to do, good luck!
Ok so being on unemployment sucks.....I find that they dont give me enough money to pay my bills, feed or house myself. Thank god i have no children....Big Brotha needs to make some real change soon.

Tonight i got dragged out and robbed by men....Cause i was Friends With there girl...Ok So Tell me I shoullnt Want my Shit Back
no way?! wow that's fucked up, i'm sorry to hear that...
Thanks...Its Like People Get Really wierded out that Im Bi and assume im trying to steal there women
Im sooo Upset
I lost one of my nipple rings the other night and i didnt notice it until i couldnt get anything back in.
I have OCD, This is Driving me nuts With one nipple ring!!!! Plus I didnt even have it a i dont know wat to do. This is why i LOVE my tats....they stay forever
I lost one of my nipple rings the other night and i didnt notice it until i couldnt get anything back in.
I have OCD, This is Driving me nuts With one nipple ring!!!! Plus I didnt even have it a i dont know wat to do. This is why i LOVE my tats....they stay forever

U know michael jackson dying has made me feel like im reliving my childhood......Always hearing thriller again is pretty cool. I Gotta give michael that even if Im not a pop fan Thriller is the shit.
Damn its humid in Jersey today.
And Everyone is boring and doesnt wanna do shit
I guess ill have an 80's music night at home
Damn its humid in Jersey today.
And Everyone is boring and doesnt wanna do shit
I guess ill have an 80's music night at home
my babygirl in the front yard this morning, I have more pictures but the wireless internet is sucking the big-one right now