I am proud to say that I have shaken this mans hand. He was standing downtown with no shoes and no shirt on in the dead of winter telling people he was the worlds worst broadcaster, and when he said it to me I said, "I know you are, apology accepted."
That's a beautiful story. smile
Everyone needs something they can call their own. Glad mine is not his.
Your fucked up link for the day.

This should've been my wedding cake.


It's a phenomenon. I get married, and ever single foreign man with yahoo messenger starts talking to me. A few american guys too. Then I log in here to get a pervy comment.

Hi. I'm married. I do not want to screw you, I do not want to talk to you...
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This is a good example why accessing the internet should be harder and publishing pages on said internet should be restricted

Someone send this link to somethingawful, please....

... I never would... copy more than one...
i do more than hold you....................................ill give you an e-gasim: kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Icy manipulator, icy manipulator...

As if playing Magic isn't geeky enough, one of the guys I play with has that little chant and a hand movement to go along with.

I didn't win a single game tonight, I need to figure out how to take down large trample creatures effectively.
Carb Awareness Day is the greatest idea i've ever heard of.

I'm sick of Atkins. Being a vegetarian in a big town/little city wasn't easy in the first place. When my co-workers would throw potlucks and pre-mix meat in with the salad, I was annoyed, but I had the cookies to myself. When they decided to have the Christmas dinner at a Steakhouse, I got...
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Phone conversation with my husband:

Katie: I got you a three month subscription to Suicide Girls!
Brian: You did, really?! Those girls are hot! Wait, did it start alread--you're using it, aren't you?
Katie: I don't know what you're talking about.

Muwahaha. I figure nothing could be more motivational than telling a man that when he gets home not only will he have action figures...
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heh. nice one.
Why thank you, I try.
Oh dear god, make it stop.

Of course I have to find this and watch it, even though i'm more afraid of Ron Jeremy naked than anything else in the world, after David Bowie. My friends and I decided to have a 'we hate ourselves' night and we rented House of the Dead and Debbie Does Dallas II, and Ron Jeremy has a scene in...
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how could you be afraid of David Bowie!?!?!?!? he's so hott!!!!
He just scares me. I thought he was creepy, and then one night I saw a commercial for The Man Who Fell To Earth right before I fell asleep. I had a dream that David Bowie really WAS an alien and he was in my house, trying to kill me. That pretty much cemented it in my brain.