Im a Father!!!
My son Deakon Cole Shald-Wisotzkey was born on the 30th!
Its strange.. I feel like I could take on the world.

the only way you'll find out is if you go.
we just lit off 1000 some bottle rockets... seeing 100 or more bottle rockets get lit at the same time is an amazing, scary, fucking awesome sight!!!!
my heart is still racing!
hope everyone had a kick ass 4th skull eeek biggrin
Im drunk! Horny! and in a Really good fucking mood!
ive been in a really good mood for the last week.. but thats besides the point... I couldnt be happier right now!!
Considering my mother died a little more then 3 months ago... my EX girlfriend is pregnant... frown im still in the best mood ever! Im guess im excited to be a father. really!
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thanks for the love & support on the set. smile i appreciate it!

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My mother died last night in a plane crash. Im a coplete mess right now.... I dont know what to do... I feel like my world has just been smashed apart. I love you mom.... Rip
I am very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine my mom passing away. My thoughts are with you.
I'm so sorry to hear that. My mother and I aren't close, but fuck...I'd be devastated i anything at all happened to hear, let alone the worst of the worst. Hope you're doing okay (sorry, I'm not good at these things). Take care and keep on keepin' on.
Yeah so me and my guitar player were driving last night when all of the sudden I couldnt stop... fuck Dodge st. in the snow! Broke my CV joint and thats it luckly... still though my car is out of commision till monday. Anyways Im completely out of it cuz of lack of sleep... Just wanted to say Fuck snow. Well driving in it anyways. skull
Hey Im back..
Yay for SG. ARRR!!!
hey welcome back....yay
Yep see I was a stupid boy... not only did that not work... but the girl i was i guess kinda seeing but not... havnt seen her in over 2 weeks... tells me yesterday that she had sex with this guy from minisota... ouch.... hah people need to stop giving me reasons to not trust... right now it seems i dont trust anyone at all... eeek